details: 'YourNotSmart'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Random» HumanTakeItLikeAMan (green | 68 APM | 423 actions | 06:11)
Hero icon 2 Mountain King
Ability icon 1 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 1 Bash

» actions
Assign group hotkey16
Basic commands22
Build / train25
Enter build submenu16
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Remove unit from queue1
Right click115
Select / deselect62
Select group hotkey136
Use ability28
423 total
» units
17 total
» upgrades
1 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Town Hall1
Lumber Mill1
13 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Kings
00:11 Farm
00:32 Barracks
01:10 Farm
01:59 Blacksmith
02:23 Farm
02:45 Farm
03:48 Farm
04:01 Farm
04:14 Arcane Vault
04:23 Farm
05:16 Town Hall
05:44 Lumber Mill
» items
Scroll of Regeneration2
Lesser Clarity Potion1
3 total
Random» NightElfResuRgenty (orange | 64 APM | 397 actions | 06:11)
Hero icon 2 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn
Ability icon 1 Evasion

» actions
Assign group hotkey28
Basic commands21
Build / train24
Enter build submenu11
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Give item / drop item2
Right click109
Select / deselect60
Select group hotkey131
Use ability9
397 total
» units
18 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well3
Ancient of War2
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Ages1
Tree of Life1
Hunter's Hall1
10 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Elders
00:15 Moon Well
00:37 Ancient of War
01:35 Moon Well
02:38 Ancient of Wonders
03:42 Tree of Ages
04:26 Tree of Life
04:45 Moon Well
05:20 Hunter's Hall
05:23 Ancient of War
» items
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Dust of Appearance1
2 total
Random» Orct1fail (yellow | 28 APM | 171 actions | 06:11)
Hero icon 1 Blademaster
Ability icon 1 Wind Walk

» actions
Build / train20
Enter build submenu14
Enter hero's abilities submenu1
Remove unit from queue1
Right click45
Select / deselect72
Use ability18
171 total
» units
Troll Headhunter/Berserker3
13 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow7
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Watch Tower3
15 total
» build order
00:05 Altar of Storms
00:08 Orc Burrow
01:03 Barracks
01:51 Orc Burrow
02:02 War Mill
02:46 Orc Burrow
03:01 Voodoo Lounge
03:28 Watch Tower
03:46 Orc Burrow
04:36 Watch Tower
04:42 Watch Tower
04:46 Orc Burrow
05:43 Orc Burrow
06:03 Orc Burrow
06:04 Stronghold
» items
Healing Salve1
Lesser Clarity Potion2
3 total
Random» NightElfd3no.lupiniiiya (pink | 46 APM | 284 actions | 06:11)
Hero icon 2 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 1 Trueshot Aura
Ability icon 1 Searing Arrows

» actions
Assign group hotkey2
Basic commands7
Build / train25
ESC pressed3
Enter build submenu21
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Right click72
Select / deselect97
Select group hotkey34
Use ability20
284 total
» units
Forest Troll Shadow Priest1
Forest Troll Berserker3
21 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well4
Ancient of War2
Ancient of Wonders1
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Ages1
Ancient Protector1
11 total
» build order
00:09 Altar of Elders
00:30 Moon Well
00:38 Ancient of War
01:51 Moon Well
03:57 Ancient of Wonders
04:04 Hunter's Hall
04:35 Ancient of War
05:13 Tree of Ages
05:19 Moon Well
05:41 Ancient Protector
05:43 Moon Well
team 2
Random» Undeadddxxddxx (teal | 65 APM | 403 actions | 06:11)
Hero icon 2 Death Knight
Ability icon 1 Death Coil
Ability icon 1 Unholy Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey39
Basic commands37
Build / train22
Enter build submenu9
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Give item / drop item2
Right click60
Select / deselect72
Select group hotkey142
Use ability18
403 total
» units
Crypt Fiend3
Forest Troll Shadow Priest1
15 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower1
Halls of the Dead1
9 total
» build order
00:19 Crypt
00:21 Altar of Darkness
00:32 Ziggurat
00:57 Graveyard
01:10 Tomb of Relics
01:37 Ziggurat
02:39 Nerubian Tower
03:20 Ziggurat
05:28 Halls of the Dead
» items
Rod of Necromancy2
2 total
Random» NightElfScorpio (purple | 39 APM | 162 actions | 04:10)
Hero icon 1 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn

» actions
Assign group hotkey2
Build / train18
Enter build submenu8
Enter hero's abilities submenu1
Remove unit from queue1
Right click46
Select / deselect38
Select group hotkey37
Use ability11
162 total
» units
14 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well4
Ancient of War1
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Ages1
Ancient Protector1
9 total
» build order
00:25 Altar of Elders
00:29 Moon Well
01:12 Ancient of War
01:48 Moon Well
02:45 Moon Well
02:49 Hunter's Hall
03:19 Tree of Ages
03:54 Moon Well
03:59 Ancient Protector
Random» HumanAislan (red | 87 APM | 540 actions | 06:11)
Hero icon 2 Archmage
Ability icon 1 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 1 Brilliance Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey21
Basic commands19
Build / train26
Enter build submenu15
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Remove unit from queue1
Right click137
Select / deselect143
Select group hotkey148
Use ability27
540 total
» units
19 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon1
2 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower1
Arcane Tower1
Town Hall2
Arcane Vault1
Ancient of Lore2
Lumber Mill1
16 total
» build order
00:06 Farm
00:09 Altar of Kings
00:12 Barracks
01:18 Farm
01:52 Scout Tower
02:01 Farm
02:40 Arcane Tower
03:10 Town Hall
03:39 Arcane Vault
04:56 Town Hall
05:13 Farm
05:14 Blacksmith
05:26 Barracks
05:45 Ancient of Lore
05:47 Ancient of Lore
06:08 Lumber Mill
Random» NightElfPen1softhenorth (blue | 56 APM | 343 actions | 06:08)
Hero icon 1 Dark Ranger
Ability icon 1 Silence

» actions
Assign group hotkey17
Basic commands7
Build / train22
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu11
Enter hero's abilities submenu1
Right click122
Select / deselect56
Select group hotkey84
Use ability22
343 total
» units
15 total
» buildings
Moon Well5
Ancient of War1
Altar of Elders1
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Ages4
Hunter's Hall1
13 total
» build order
00:36 Moon Well
00:45 Ancient of War
00:55 Altar of Elders
02:05 Moon Well
02:42 Moon Well
02:55 Moon Well
03:23 Ancient of Wonders
03:29 Tree of Ages
03:30 Tree of Ages
03:30 Tree of Ages
03:50 Moon Well
04:46 Hunter's Hall

Chat log

(00:02 / All) d3no.lupiniiiya: -ar
(00:05 / Allies) ResuRgenty: hip riders
(00:08 / All) ddxxddxx: wat
(00:16 / All) Pen1softhenorth: HOW DO I SAVE MY CHARACTER
(00:17 / Allies) TakeItLikeAMan: rifles motrots
(00:20 / All) t1fail: its a random game
(00:21 / All) ResuRgenty: food for thought
(00:25 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: alt QQ
(00:34 / Allies) t1fail: hh
(00:47 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: type i'm a fag
(00:52 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: and kickurslef in the balls
(00:57 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: thats how u save
(00:58 / All) ResuRgenty: in that order?
(01:03 / All) d3no.lupiniiiya: DON'T LET THEM START A KICKSTARTER!!!!!
(01:06 / All) Pen1softhenorth: green is a fag and should kick himself in the balls
(01:07 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: i believe so
(01:10 / All) Pen1softhenorth: IT DIDNT WORK WTF
(01:16 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: kick harder
(01:21 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: than put a dick in ur mouth
(01:31 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: in that orer
(01:35 / All) Pen1softhenorth: what does "ur" mean
(02:16 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: it means "your not a smart person"
(02:21 / All) d3no.lupiniiiya: rofl
(03:10 / Allies) t1fail: they rush
(03:46 / Allies) d3no.lupiniiiya: gonan be ok green?
(03:51 / Allies) TakeItLikeAMan: yeah i'm golden
(03:54 / Allies) d3no.lupiniiiya: k cool
(04:05 / Allies) ResuRgenty: somebody get him a shop with mana pot
(04:12 / Allies) d3no.lupiniiiya: rofl
(04:13 / All) ddxxddxx: wtf
(04:31 / All) ddxxddxx: wat happened
(04:36 / All) ResuRgenty: HAX
(04:40 / All) Pen1softhenorth: drophackers
(04:48 / All) TakeItLikeAMan: i hacked his ass
(04:52 / All) d3no.lupiniiiya: no i think he left because his harass failed completely
(04:59 / Allies) TakeItLikeAMan: wood?

(06:02 / Allies) ResuRgenty: lets hit
(06:06 / Allies) TakeItLikeAMan: i am