General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: Gobiner
map: Monsoon
- players: 6
- length: 62:05
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.23 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(412 KB)
team 1 (winner)
Gobiner (
teal | 41 APM | 2549 actions | 62:05)
8 Blademaster
3 Wind Walk
3 Critical Strike
1 Bladestorm
1 Mirror Image
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 21 | |
Basic commands | 39 | |
Build / train | 111 | |
ESC pressed | 13 | |
Enter build submenu | 66 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 8 | |
Give item / drop item | 12 | |
Right click | 1081 | |
Select / deselect | 337 | |
Select group hotkey | 549 | |
Use ability | 312 | |
2549 total
» units
» upgrades
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 3 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Spiked Barricades | 1 | |
Troll Regeneration | 1 | |
Pillage | 1 | |
Backpack | 1 | |
12 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 2 | |
Orc Burrow | 12 | |
War Mill | 3 | |
Watch Tower | 66 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 3 | |
Stronghold | 4 | |
Fortress | 4 | |
Beastiary | 8 | |
Great Hall | 2 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
105 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Storms
00:18 Orc Burrow
00:29 War Mill
01:42 Watch Tower
01:50 Orc Burrow
02:14 Watch Tower
02:46 Voodoo Lounge
02:57 Watch Tower
03:39 Watch Tower
04:01 Watch Tower
04:14 Stronghold
04:14 Stronghold
04:14 Stronghold
04:33 Watch Tower
05:08 Watch Tower
05:19 Voodoo Lounge
05:53 Watch Tower
06:23 Watch Tower
06:35 Fortress
06:35 Fortress
06:35 Fortress
06:52 Beastiary
06:55 Beastiary
07:09 Orc Burrow
07:10 Orc Burrow
07:24 Watch Tower
07:35 Watch Tower
08:17 Voodoo Lounge
12:32 Great Hall
14:19 Watch Tower
14:20 Watch Tower
14:21 Watch Tower
14:23 Watch Tower
14:24 Watch Tower
14:25 Watch Tower
14:26 Watch Tower
15:07 Watch Tower
15:09 Watch Tower
15:10 Watch Tower
15:12 Watch Tower
15:14 Watch Tower
18:10 Watch Tower
19:18 Barracks
21:36 Great Hall
21:42 Watch Tower
21:42 Watch Tower
21:44 Watch Tower
21:44 Watch Tower
21:45 Watch Tower
21:46 Watch Tower
21:49 Watch Tower
21:50 Watch Tower
21:51 Watch Tower
24:08 Watch Tower
24:14 Watch Tower
26:02 Watch Tower
26:03 Watch Tower
26:05 Watch Tower
26:05 Watch Tower
26:10 Watch Tower
26:26 Beastiary
26:28 Beastiary
26:55 Watch Tower
28:06 Watch Tower
28:39 Watch Tower
29:13 Watch Tower
29:14 Watch Tower
29:15 Watch Tower
29:16 Watch Tower
29:17 Watch Tower
30:10 Watch Tower
30:11 Watch Tower
31:25 Watch Tower
31:34 Watch Tower
31:35 Watch Tower
31:36 Watch Tower
31:37 Watch Tower
32:03 Watch Tower
32:04 Watch Tower
32:05 Watch Tower
32:06 Watch Tower
32:07 Watch Tower
34:20 Watch Tower
34:21 Watch Tower
38:02 Watch Tower
38:03 Watch Tower
38:04 Watch Tower
38:07 Watch Tower
39:17 Beastiary
39:18 Beastiary
39:19 Beastiary
39:22 Beastiary
43:56 Altar of Storms
44:59 Orc Burrow
45:00 Orc Burrow
45:02 Orc Burrow
45:34 Orc Burrow
46:00 Orc Burrow
46:02 Orc Burrow
46:04 Orc Burrow
46:08 Orc Burrow
48:29 War Mill
55:55 War Mill
» items
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 8 | |
Healing Salve | 3 | |
Circlet of Nobility | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 5 | |
Potion of Mana | 3 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
24 total
gobinersASSFACE (
orange | 122 APM | 7475 actions | 61:17)
10 Mountain King
3 Storm Bolt
3 Bash
1 Avatar
3 Thunder Clap
8 Paladin
3 Holy Light
3 Divine Shield
1 Resurrection
1 Devotion Aura
6 Goblin Alchemist
3 Chemical Rage
2 Acid Bomb
1 Transmute
1 Pandaren Brewmaster
1 Breath of Fire
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 91 | |
Basic commands | 231 | |
Build / train | 175 | |
ESC pressed | 16 | |
Enter build submenu | 73 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 25 | |
Give item / drop item | 14 | |
Right click | 3240 | |
Select / deselect | 641 | |
Select group hotkey | 2519 | |
Use ability | 450 | |
7475 total
» units
Peasant | 25 | |
Sorceress | 2 | |
Priest | 7 | |
Mortar Team | 14 | |
48 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 2 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Sorceress Training | 2 | |
Priest Training | 2 | |
Gunpowder | 3 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 1 | |
Fragmentation Shards | 1 | |
Flare | 1 | |
Plating | 4 | |
Barrage | 1 | |
21 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 13 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 52 | |
Arcane Tower | 11 | |
Guard Tower | 22 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Keep | 8 | |
Castle | 2 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Workshop | 7 | |
Cannon Tower | 1 | |
123 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Kings
00:23 Farm
01:01 Farm
01:07 Lumber Mill
01:18 Scout Tower
01:47 Arcane Tower
01:48 Scout Tower
02:17 Scout Tower
02:22 Guard Tower
02:45 Scout Tower
02:50 Farm
03:19 Guard Tower
03:19 Scout Tower
03:23 Scout Tower
03:54 Guard Tower
03:56 Scout Tower
04:37 Guard Tower
04:38 Scout Tower
04:39 Scout Tower
05:15 Guard Tower
05:17 Scout Tower
05:37 Guard Tower
05:39 Scout Tower
06:12 Scout Tower
06:14 Scout Tower
06:20 Scout Tower
06:21 Scout Tower
06:26 Town Hall
06:33 Scout Tower
06:51 Keep
06:52 Keep
06:52 Keep
06:58 Guard Tower
07:01 Arcane Tower
07:01 Arcane Tower
07:13 Scout Tower
07:14 Scout Tower
07:35 Scout Tower
07:36 Scout Tower
07:36 Scout Tower
08:03 Arcane Tower
08:03 Arcane Tower
08:03 Arcane Tower
08:18 Guard Tower
08:28 Guard Tower
08:28 Guard Tower
08:28 Guard Tower
09:14 Castle
09:17 Arcane Sanctum
10:07 Guard Tower
10:12 Arcane Vault
10:14 Scout Tower
10:14 Scout Tower
10:15 Scout Tower
10:17 Scout Tower
10:17 Scout Tower
10:39 Farm
10:40 Farm
11:06 Guard Tower
11:07 Scout Tower
11:07 Scout Tower
11:08 Scout Tower
11:20 Scout Tower
11:20 Scout Tower
11:50 Guard Tower
12:35 Scout Tower
12:36 Scout Tower
12:37 Arcane Tower
13:15 Scout Tower
14:04 Guard Tower
14:07 Scout Tower
14:08 Scout Tower
14:08 Scout Tower
14:58 Guard Tower
15:19 Guard Tower
21:42 Blacksmith
21:43 Blacksmith
23:50 Workshop
23:53 Workshop
25:37 Scout Tower
25:37 Scout Tower
25:37 Scout Tower
25:38 Scout Tower
25:43 Scout Tower
25:44 Scout Tower
25:44 Scout Tower
25:45 Scout Tower
25:46 Scout Tower
26:14 Scout Tower
26:44 Scout Tower
26:49 Guard Tower
26:51 Cannon Tower
26:58 Scout Tower
26:59 Scout Tower
27:06 Scout Tower
27:08 Scout Tower
27:18 Guard Tower
27:34 Arcane Tower
27:36 Guard Tower
27:36 Guard Tower
28:23 Arcane Tower
34:23 Farm
34:24 Farm
34:24 Farm
34:25 Farm
34:25 Farm
34:25 Farm
34:26 Farm
34:27 Farm
38:48 Workshop
38:51 Workshop
38:58 Workshop
38:59 Workshop
» items
Circlet of Nobility | 3 | |
Boots of Speed | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 3 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 4 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Potion of Mana | 3 | |
Scroll of Speed | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 2 | |
Orb of Lightning | 3 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 3 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 2 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
Scroll of Healing | 2 | |
30 total
pink | 72 APM | 4441 actions | 61:17)
11 Archmage
3 Blizzard
3 Brilliance Aura
2 Summon Water Elemental
3 Mass Teleport
5 Pandaren Brewmaster
2 Breath of Fire
2 Drunken Brawler
1 Storm Earth and Fire
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 26 | |
Basic commands | 24 | |
Build / train | 121 | |
ESC pressed | 11 | |
Enter build submenu | 46 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 16 | |
Give item / drop item | 9 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 2433 | |
Select / deselect | 339 | |
Select group hotkey | 1169 | |
Use ability | 245 | |
4441 total
» units
Peasant | 23 | |
Sorceress | 1 | |
Flying Machine | 9 | |
Siege Engine | 9 | |
Mortar Team | 3 | |
45 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Sorceress Training | 1 | |
Flak Cannons | 1 | |
Flying Machine Bombs | 1 | |
Gunpowder | 1 | |
Plating | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Barrage | 1 | |
Fragmentation Shards | 1 | |
13 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 12 | |
Scout Tower | 48 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Arcane Tower | 4 | |
Guard Tower | 11 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Town Hall | 3 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 2 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Workshop | 4 | |
91 total
» build order
00:04 Altar of Kings
00:36 Farm
00:58 Scout Tower
01:09 Scout Tower
01:24 Lumber Mill
01:30 Arcane Tower
01:45 Farm
02:10 Farm
02:28 Scout Tower
02:29 Scout Tower
02:32 Guard Tower
02:36 Scout Tower
03:54 Arcane Vault
04:12 Guard Tower
04:23 Scout Tower
04:24 Scout Tower
04:25 Scout Tower
04:39 Scout Tower
05:35 Guard Tower
05:57 Scout Tower
07:09 Keep
07:32 Guard Tower
07:32 Guard Tower
07:39 Town Hall
07:50 Guard Tower
07:52 Scout Tower
07:53 Scout Tower
07:54 Scout Tower
07:55 Scout Tower
07:56 Scout Tower
07:57 Scout Tower
09:25 Guard Tower
10:22 Castle
10:23 Arcane Sanctum
10:25 Arcane Sanctum
15:01 Scout Tower
15:02 Scout Tower
15:03 Scout Tower
15:04 Scout Tower
15:05 Scout Tower
15:05 Scout Tower
15:06 Scout Tower
15:07 Scout Tower
15:08 Scout Tower
15:09 Scout Tower
15:09 Scout Tower
15:12 Scout Tower
15:13 Scout Tower
15:14 Scout Tower
15:39 Arcane Tower
16:54 Guard Tower
19:57 Arcane Tower
20:41 Scout Tower
20:42 Scout Tower
20:43 Scout Tower
20:45 Scout Tower
20:47 Scout Tower
20:54 Scout Tower
20:55 Scout Tower
20:56 Scout Tower
20:57 Scout Tower
21:00 Scout Tower
21:01 Scout Tower
21:03 Scout Tower
21:04 Scout Tower
21:05 Scout Tower
21:08 Scout Tower
21:09 Scout Tower
21:10 Scout Tower
21:10 Scout Tower
21:26 Guard Tower
21:35 Town Hall
21:55 Blacksmith
21:57 Blacksmith
22:03 Arcane Tower
22:05 Guard Tower
22:51 Workshop
22:52 Workshop
22:53 Workshop
22:55 Workshop
24:21 Guard Tower
25:23 Farm
25:24 Farm
25:24 Farm
25:25 Farm
25:25 Farm
25:26 Farm
26:41 Farm
26:43 Farm
26:43 Farm
31:54 Town Hall
» items
Boots of Speed | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 2 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 2 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 2 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Scroll of Speed | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 4 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 2 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 3 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 1 | |
Tome of Retraining | 1 | |
Orb of Fire | 1 | |
23 total
team 2 (loser)
gimpygus (
purple | 45 APM | 2748 actions | 61:17)
3 Archmage
2 Blizzard
1 Brilliance Aura
1 Blood Mage
1 Flame Strike
2 Mountain King
1 Storm Bolt
1 Bash
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 32 | |
Basic commands | 89 | |
Build / train | 97 | |
Enter build submenu | 48 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 6 | |
Right click | 922 | |
Select / deselect | 497 | |
Select group hotkey | 920 | |
Use ability | 136 | |
2748 total
» units
Peasant | 17 | |
Sorceress | 1 | |
Gryphon Rider | 10 | |
Spell Breaker | 15 | |
43 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Sorceress Training | 1 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
Control Magic | 1 | |
Swords | 1 | |
Plating | 1 | |
9 total
» buildings
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 15 | |
Scout Tower | 36 | |
Guard Tower | 28 | |
Arcane Tower | 4 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 2 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
95 total
» build order
00:14 Lumber Mill
00:16 Altar of Kings
00:42 Farm
01:24 Scout Tower
01:27 Scout Tower
01:45 Farm
01:53 Guard Tower
02:07 Scout Tower
02:32 Farm
02:37 Guard Tower
02:51 Scout Tower
02:52 Guard Tower
03:46 Arcane Tower
03:51 Scout Tower
04:17 Arcane Vault
04:19 Guard Tower
04:27 Scout Tower
04:51 Arcane Tower
04:58 Scout Tower
05:03 Farm
05:18 Keep
05:29 Guard Tower
05:44 Scout Tower
06:21 Guard Tower
06:24 Scout Tower
06:51 Guard Tower
07:01 Scout Tower
07:43 Guard Tower
07:47 Farm
08:07 Scout Tower
08:15 Scout Tower
08:54 Guard Tower
09:18 Scout Tower
09:23 Scout Tower
09:33 Castle
09:38 Gryphon Aviary
09:40 Gryphon Aviary
09:55 Guard Tower
09:56 Guard Tower
09:59 Farm
10:05 Scout Tower
10:18 Arcane Sanctum
10:36 Guard Tower
10:56 Scout Tower
11:28 Guard Tower
11:31 Farm
12:38 Scout Tower
12:39 Scout Tower
12:40 Scout Tower
13:28 Guard Tower
13:35 Arcane Tower
14:14 Guard Tower
14:18 Farm
14:20 Farm
14:32 Town Hall
15:41 Farm
15:45 Scout Tower
16:58 Farm
16:59 Guard Tower
19:09 Scout Tower
19:10 Scout Tower
19:48 Arcane Tower
19:49 Guard Tower
19:53 Scout Tower
20:41 Scout Tower
20:44 Scout Tower
20:45 Scout Tower
20:46 Scout Tower
20:52 Guard Tower
21:09 Guard Tower
22:01 Guard Tower
22:02 Guard Tower
22:07 Guard Tower
25:39 Barracks
25:47 Arcane Sanctum
25:58 Farm
25:59 Farm
27:02 Farm
27:03 Farm
27:08 Scout Tower
27:09 Scout Tower
27:11 Scout Tower
27:12 Scout Tower
27:14 Scout Tower
27:15 Scout Tower
27:16 Scout Tower
28:05 Guard Tower
28:14 Guard Tower
28:37 Guard Tower
29:56 Guard Tower
31:21 Scout Tower
31:22 Scout Tower
31:53 Guard Tower
32:21 Guard Tower
39:57 Blacksmith
» items
Sorcerer (
yellow | 95 APM | 5848 actions | 61:17)
4 Blood Mage
2 Flame Strike
2 Banish
3 Archmage
2 Blizzard
1 Brilliance Aura
4 Mountain King
2 Storm Bolt
2 Bash
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 16 | |
Basic commands | 193 | |
Build / train | 155 | |
ESC pressed | 4 | |
Enter build submenu | 77 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 12 | |
Give item / drop item | 2 | |
Remove unit from queue | 8 | |
Right click | 2702 | |
Select / deselect | 775 | |
Select group hotkey | 1643 | |
Use ability | 258 | |
5848 total
» units
Peasant | 25 | |
Sorceress | 1 | |
Mortar Team | 14 | |
40 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Sorceress Training | 1 | |
Gunpowder | 3 | |
Flare | 1 | |
Fragmentation Shards | 1 | |
Armor | 1 | |
13 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 2 | |
Farm | 14 | |
Scout Tower | 35 | |
Lumber Mill | 3 | |
Arcane Tower | 9 | |
Guard Tower | 20 | |
Keep | 4 | |
Arcane Vault | 3 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Workshop | 4 | |
Barracks | 2 | |
101 total
» build order
00:11 Altar of Kings
00:16 Farm
00:23 Scout Tower
00:30 Scout Tower
00:42 Lumber Mill
01:03 Arcane Tower
01:06 Scout Tower
01:31 Farm
01:32 Farm
02:01 Scout Tower
02:15 Guard Tower
02:48 Scout Tower
02:52 Scout Tower
03:37 Guard Tower
03:48 Scout Tower
04:14 Scout Tower
04:15 Guard Tower
04:37 Keep
04:38 Keep
04:38 Keep
04:49 Scout Tower
05:06 Guard Tower
05:11 Scout Tower
05:15 Guard Tower
05:34 Scout Tower
05:35 Scout Tower
05:42 Farm
05:43 Farm
05:45 Farm
06:27 Guard Tower
06:29 Scout Tower
06:30 Scout Tower
06:31 Scout Tower
06:33 Scout Tower
06:35 Farm
06:36 Farm
06:37 Farm
06:41 Arcane Vault
06:58 Guard Tower
07:00 Guard Tower
07:28 Guard Tower
08:05 Town Hall
09:10 Guard Tower
10:10 Arcane Sanctum
11:30 Guard Tower
11:33 Guard Tower
11:48 Guard Tower
11:48 Guard Tower
13:00 Castle
14:48 Lumber Mill
14:52 Blacksmith
14:56 Keep
17:08 Workshop
17:09 Workshop
17:10 Workshop
17:12 Workshop
20:11 Arcane Vault
20:13 Arcane Vault
20:32 Scout Tower
20:33 Scout Tower
21:01 Blacksmith
21:37 Arcane Tower
23:31 Guard Tower
23:49 Altar of Kings
25:02 Barracks
25:04 Barracks
26:17 Farm
26:18 Farm
26:20 Scout Tower
26:21 Scout Tower
26:24 Farm
27:01 Guard Tower
27:08 Scout Tower
27:11 Scout Tower
27:11 Scout Tower
27:13 Scout Tower
27:14 Scout Tower
27:15 Scout Tower
27:25 Scout Tower
27:26 Scout Tower
27:28 Farm
27:51 Guard Tower
27:55 Guard Tower
27:58 Guard Tower
28:01 Guard Tower
28:07 Scout Tower
28:10 Scout Tower
28:12 Farm
28:46 Arcane Tower
28:51 Arcane Tower
31:46 Scout Tower
32:42 Arcane Tower
32:47 Scout Tower
32:57 Scout Tower
32:58 Scout Tower
32:59 Scout Tower
37:29 Arcane Tower
39:21 Arcane Tower
39:22 Arcane Tower
39:24 Arcane Tower
39:56 Lumber Mill
» items
Boots of Speed | 3 | |
Circlet of Nobility | 3 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 3 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 6 | |
Mechanical Critter | 2 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 2 | |
Ivory Tower | 15 | |
Potion of Healing | 4 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 2 | |
40 total
Tuul (
blue | 74 APM | 4517 actions | 61:17)
3 Archmage
2 Blizzard
1 Brilliance Aura
3 Blood Mage
2 Flame Strike
1 Banish
4 Mountain King
2 Storm Bolt
2 Bash
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 35 | |
Basic commands | 149 | |
Build / train | 226 | |
ESC pressed | 4 | |
Enter build submenu | 80 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 5 | |
Remove unit from queue | 15 | |
Right click | 1719 | |
Select / deselect | 1172 | |
Select group hotkey | 819 | |
Use ability | 283 | |
4517 total
» units
Peasant | 23 | |
Sorceress | 4 | |
Flying Machine | 25 | |
Rifleman | 11 | |
Priest | 11 | |
Spell Breaker | 9 | |
Knight | 2 | |
85 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Sorceress Training | 1 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Gunpowder | 3 | |
Flak Cannons | 1 | |
Flying Machine Bombs | 1 | |
Long Rifles | 1 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Priest Training | 2 | |
Control Magic | 1 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
20 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Farm | 16 | |
Scout Tower | 41 | |
Guard Tower | 42 | |
Arcane Tower | 13 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 2 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Castle | 3 | |
Workshop | 5 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Barracks | 2 | |
131 total
» build order
00:24 Altar of Kings
00:30 Lumber Mill
00:35 Farm
01:18 Scout Tower
01:21 Farm
01:31 Scout Tower
01:46 Guard Tower
01:48 Scout Tower
02:03 Scout Tower
02:06 Scout Tower
02:15 Guard Tower
02:16 Guard Tower
02:37 Guard Tower
02:43 Guard Tower
02:44 Guard Tower
02:44 Guard Tower
02:51 Scout Tower
03:32 Arcane Tower
03:35 Arcane Vault
04:22 Scout Tower
04:26 Keep
04:26 Keep
04:34 Scout Tower
04:56 Arcane Tower
04:56 Arcane Tower
05:05 Arcane Tower
05:05 Arcane Tower
05:05 Arcane Tower
05:23 Farm
05:39 Scout Tower
05:44 Scout Tower
05:59 Scout Tower
06:00 Scout Tower
06:42 Guard Tower
06:43 Guard Tower
06:44 Guard Tower
06:52 Arcane Sanctum
07:58 Guard Tower
08:04 Scout Tower
08:09 Farm
08:13 Farm
08:16 Blacksmith
08:54 Castle
08:54 Castle
08:55 Castle
08:56 Guard Tower
11:06 Workshop
11:09 Workshop
11:15 Workshop
11:59 Scout Tower
12:27 Guard Tower
12:28 Scout Tower
12:53 Scout Tower
13:27 Guard Tower
13:28 Scout Tower
13:33 Scout Tower
13:44 Guard Tower
13:46 Scout Tower
14:09 Arcane Tower
14:10 Guard Tower
14:12 Scout Tower
14:14 Scout Tower
14:15 Scout Tower
14:41 Guard Tower
14:43 Arcane Tower
14:44 Guard Tower
14:46 Scout Tower
14:47 Scout Tower
14:51 Town Hall
15:15 Guard Tower
15:17 Arcane Tower
15:30 Scout Tower
15:32 Scout Tower
15:33 Scout Tower
16:28 Guard Tower
16:29 Guard Tower
16:33 Farm
16:34 Farm
16:52 Guard Tower
17:08 Scout Tower
17:10 Farm
17:11 Farm
17:41 Arcane Tower
17:44 Scout Tower
18:13 Arcane Tower
18:24 Workshop
18:25 Workshop
19:59 Farm
23:11 Guard Tower
23:11 Guard Tower
23:11 Guard Tower
23:14 Guard Tower
23:25 Guard Tower
23:25 Guard Tower
23:26 Guard Tower
23:26 Guard Tower
23:26 Guard Tower
25:11 Barracks
25:17 Barracks
26:24 Scout Tower
26:51 Scout Tower
26:53 Scout Tower
26:55 Scout Tower
26:57 Scout Tower
27:01 Scout Tower
27:03 Scout Tower
27:24 Guard Tower
27:25 Guard Tower
27:26 Guard Tower
27:29 Guard Tower
27:31 Guard Tower
27:52 Guard Tower
27:54 Scout Tower
28:39 Farm
28:42 Farm
30:24 Arcane Sanctum
30:29 Guard Tower
30:39 Farm
30:40 Scout Tower
30:41 Scout Tower
30:44 Farm
32:12 Arcane Tower
32:12 Arcane Tower
39:54 Farm
39:55 Scout Tower
39:56 Scout Tower
60:54 Farm
» items
Scroll of Regeneration | 5 | |
Mechanical Critter | 4 | |
Boots of Speed | 3 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 3 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 2 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 3 | |
Ivory Tower | 11 | |
31 total
Chat log
(00:13 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: tower
(00:14 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: haven't played towers in ever!
(00:25 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: god
(00:27 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: dumb
(00:27 / All) gobinersASSFACE: gl hf
(00:27 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: vent
(00:28 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: key
(00:36 / All) Tuul: manners?
(00:36 / All) Sorcerer: you too, but theres just one problem!
(00:44 / All) Gobiner: gl hf eta
(00:47 / All) Sorcerer: PREPARE FOR TROUBLE!!!
(00:51 / All) Tuul: and MAKE IT DOUBLE!
(00:52 / All) IGIEVSOJ: LoL!
(00:57 / All) gobinersASSFACE: cumgrats
(01:01 / All) Tuul: to unite all people within our nations!
(01:13 / All) IGIEVSOJ: JESSE
(01:14 / All) IGIEVSOJ: JAMES
(01:16 / All) Tuul: to extend OUR REACH TO THE STARS ABOVE
(01:22 / All) Sorcerer: QUIT IMMITATING US!!!!!!~~
(01:22 / All) gobinersASSFACE: TEAM ROCKET
(01:24 / All) gobinersASSFACE: BLASTING OFF AGAIN
(01:37 / All) Tuul: jessi!
(01:41 / All) Sorcerer: JAMES!
(01:59 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: im a newbie
(02:01 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: finger doobie
(02:04 / All) gobinersASSFACE: we got a new player
(02:07 / All) gobinersASSFACE: can u go easy
(02:36 / All) Sorcerer: i'm afraid we'll be confiscating all of your pokemon!
(03:00 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: ha
(04:00 / All) gobinersASSFACE: noob strat
(04:32 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: i wanna shop
(04:40 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: orc
(04:41 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: 1
(05:03 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: u r
(07:38 / All) gobinersASSFACE: u guys having fun
(07:44 / All) Sorcerer: we always do!
(07:49 / All) gobinersASSFACE: i hope so
(08:28 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: WHAT?!
(08:49 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: get me lvl 3
(09:04 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: wow
(09:08 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: lvl 5.5
(09:10 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: ...
(09:26 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: u can
(09:30 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: militia creep that eaisly
(09:35 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: come
(09:41 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: then leave
(09:59 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: lev
(10:55 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: laf
(11:12 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: tbqh
(11:16 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: playing towers against towers is kinda boring
(13:05 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: off
(13:06 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: phone
(13:07 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: again
(13:08 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: grr
(13:13 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: can i drop
(13:15 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: zepp?
(13:19 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: no zepp
(13:37 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: isnt alot to do on this map really
(13:40 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: and its hard to tower them cause wood
(13:54 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: bringing healers
(13:57 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: we do mioddle once priest
(14:53 / All) IGIEVSOJ: you guys should practice this.
(15:21 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: i really think
(15:29 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: they are doing what we are
(15:36 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: well ya
(15:40 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: but like
(15:41 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: no units
(15:46 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: oh
(15:47 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: birds
(15:59 / All) Sorcerer: mage convention
(16:09 / All) IGIEVSOJ: sup
(16:18 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: hahaha
(16:24 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: they made it in
(16:25 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: laf
(16:39 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: MAGE
(16:40 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: MAGE
(17:29 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: mk
(17:30 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: cum
(17:33 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: yase
(18:34 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: get
(18:37 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: mana
(18:47 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: he has tp
(18:57 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: laf
(19:14 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: we should mass something?
(19:19 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: well
(19:21 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: 4 fun
(19:22 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: ?
(19:24 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: we normally play ppl that actually build units
(19:38 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: tp to me?
(19:40 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: i might go 100 foot mort
(19:41 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: kk
(21:15 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: lol
(21:16 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: gg
(23:04 / All) IGIEVSOJ: laff
(23:09 / All) IGIEVSOJ: BYE
(23:54 / All) Gobiner: thanks for the free xp
(24:03 / All) Tuul: thanks for the win
(24:06 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: LOL
(24:11 / All) gobinersASSFACE: are you new to this
(24:18 / All) Tuul: just wait
(24:21 / All) gobinersASSFACE: i have been
(24:26 / All) Sorcerer: you'll be ragequitting before long
(24:32 / All) Sorcerer: it just takes time
(24:39 / All) gobinersASSFACE: indeed
(25:37 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: yeah ha.
(25:58 / All) IGIEVSOJ: LOL
(25:59 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: forgot
(26:00 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: masonry
(26:02 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: whoops
(26:20 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: bat
(26:21 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: dat
(26:27 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: going to stack a panda
(26:32 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: with vital
(26:39 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: circlet works too
(27:08 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: wood
(27:09 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: tt
(27:12 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: yeah
(27:15 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: gave it all away
(27:16 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: this map blows for lumber
(27:42 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: do tanks
(27:48 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: have a limit on the number of air targets
(28:52 / All) gobinersASSFACE: haha
(29:22 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: cant tell
(29:48 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: im most confused about me water elemental
(29:52 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: he
(29:53 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: walled
(29:54 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: my*
(29:54 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: thats why
(32:51 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: dum
(33:59 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: i dont need big mana pot
(34:10 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: fun lag
(34:44 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: anyone want it?
(37:30 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: lol..
(37:33 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: should i tank...?
(37:35 / All) gobinersASSFACE: i think u got a couple towers
(37:46 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: imma go 100 food mort now i think
(37:47 / All) Tuul: leave now
(37:51 / All) Tuul: save yourself 30 minutes
(37:57 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: haha
(38:15 / All) IGIEVSOJ: oh yeah?
(38:26 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: no
(38:47 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: wow
(38:48 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: ha
(39:16 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: kill me fast
(39:20 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: hewal
(39:22 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: plz
(39:48 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: gob feed me
(39:53 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: 7000 or so
(39:55 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: before i go upkeep
(40:13 / All) Gobiner: sorry for you loss
(40:32 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: hahahaha
(40:37 / All) Tuul: pwned
(44:11 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: haha
(44:16 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: these guys are so bad
(44:26 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: lvl 6
(44:33 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: nice
(45:15 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: where 2
(45:23 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: whaevs
(46:29 / All) Gobiner: its ok you guys will get the hang of this eventually
(46:34 / All) Gobiner: we were all noobs once :)
(46:38 / All) Tuul: youll learn to leave soon
(47:23 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: lol
(47:23 / All) IGIEVSOJ: sup
(49:22 / All) Gobiner: killing towers is hard :)
(49:26 / All) gobinersASSFACE: :D
(49:42 / All) Gobiner: yet we manage to do it without losing 300 food worth of units
(49:45 / All) IGIEVSOJ: sup
(51:19 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: thc u
(51:19 / All) IGIEVSOJ: sup
(52:27 / All) gobinersASSFACE: watch the replay
(52:33 / All) gobinersASSFACE: ull get better every day. .
(52:41 / All) Sorcerer: i got a better idea
(52:51 / All) Tuul: hug penis
(52:57 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: wat
(52:58 / All) Sorcerer: HUG PENIS!
(53:03 / All) Tuul: hug penis plz
(53:06 / All) Tuul: k thx bai
(53:27 / All) Gobiner: visit for more replays of dumb noobs losing
(54:29 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: need wood
(54:36 / All) Tuul: you guys got lucky, something that will never happen in a sexual connotation
(54:49 / All) Gobiner: yep
(54:54 / All) Gobiner: we're lucky you guys are terrible
(55:43 / All) Tuul: that means no one besides the doctor that birthed you, will ever touch your penis
(55:47 / All) Tuul: and yourself
(55:48 / All) Tuul: alot
(55:50 / All) Tuul: but thats it
(56:08 / All) Gobiner: wow you guys are bad at shittalking and playing
(56:15 / All) Gobiner: there's really no reason for you to exist
(56:27 / All) Sorcerer: LOL
(56:32 / All) Sorcerer: do you even think before you speak?
(56:47 / All) Tuul: }shhhh thinking requires thought
(56:48 / All) Gobiner: do you even think before you click play game?
(57:01 / All) Sorcerer: here what you just said "You werent as good as me at a video game, THEREFORE you shouldnt even bother living"
(57:11 / All) Tuul: oh is he harping on that?
(57:14 / All) Gobiner: you aren't as good as anyone at this game?
(57:15 / All) Sorcerer: LOL your logic places video games pretty high up on the chain there eh?
(57:16 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: i remember why i stopped playing this game...
(57:19 / Allies) gobinersASSFACE: haha
(57:22 / All) Tuul: i squelched his 3 inch penis mouth years ago
(57:44 / All) Sorcerer: squelched
(57:44 / All) Tuul: he probably uses that as a pick up line, which explains his virginity
(57:46 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: all come
(59:11 / All) gimpygus: duh you guys are so evil
(59:14 / All) gimpygus: you hack and your mean
(59:18 / All) gimpygus: and i dont like you one bit
(59:28 / All) gobinersASSFACE: )
(59:30 / All) gobinersASSFACE: i like u guys
(59:34 / All) gimpygus: Im not a kid ya know
(59:46 / All) gimpygus: i can wipe my own ass
(59:51 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: mana me
(59:51 / All) gimpygus: so dont treat me like a kid ok
(59:54 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: i need mana!
(60:12 / All) gobinersASSFACE: hey gg guys
(60:20 / All) gimpygus: hey nothing
(60:22 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: passive
(60:24 / All) gimpygus: im going to rape your mom
(60:25 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: you mean
(60:34 / All) gimpygus: and shes going to scream your name the whole time
(60:49 / All) gimpygus: sorry that was my mean side
(60:55 / All) gimpygus: let me collect myself
(61:02 / Allies) IGIEVSOJ: scan
(61:06 / All) gimpygus: your a cracker and a nigger all at the same time
(61:14 / All) Tuul: im a nigger
(61:14 / All) gimpygus: you dirty dirty mix
(61:17 / All) Sorcerer: good job, please reward yourselves by stroking your e-peens