General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: ChrisTandoi
map: SilverpineForest
- players: 6
- length: 105:59
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.21 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(666 KB)
team 1 (loser)

A]rTMa[N (
teal | 27 APM | 2892 actions | 105:29)
4 Archmage
2 Summon Water Elemental
2 Brilliance Aura
1 Mountain King
1 Storm Bolt
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 180 | |
Basic commands | 3 | |
Build / train | 97 | |
Enter build submenu | 44 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 7 | |
Give item / drop item | 9 | |
Remove unit from queue | 13 | |
Right click | 1323 | |
Select / deselect | 810 | |
Select group hotkey | 281 | |
Use ability | 125 | |
2892 total
» units
Peasant | 5 | |
Footman | 9 | |
Sorceress | 3 | |
Mortar Team | 5 | |
Gryphon Rider | 2 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 26 | |
Siege Engine | 13 | |
Flying Machine | 1 | |
64 total
» upgrades
Swords | 1 | |
Plating | 4 | |
Priest Training | 0 | |
Sorceress Training | 1 | |
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
Masonry | 1 | |
Barrage | 1 | |
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Barracks | 2 | |
Farm | 17 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 2 | |
Workshop | 2 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 3 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 7 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Guard Tower | 4 | |
44 total
» build order
00:03 Altar of Kings
00:22 Barracks
00:40 Farm
01:11 Farm
01:42 Farm
02:11 Farm
03:14 Keep
04:18 Blacksmith
05:14 Farm
05:15 Farm
05:16 Farm
05:17 Farm
06:21 Arcane Sanctum
06:22 Arcane Sanctum
07:56 Workshop
07:57 Workshop
08:18 Castle
09:01 Farm
09:02 Farm
16:13 Barracks
16:18 Lumber Mill
16:56 Gryphon Aviary
16:58 Gryphon Aviary
17:00 Gryphon Aviary
18:02 Town Hall
18:29 Scout Tower
18:30 Scout Tower
18:47 Arcane Vault
19:12 Guard Tower
20:56 Guard Tower
20:58 Scout Tower
21:00 Scout Tower
21:01 Scout Tower
23:16 Guard Tower
26:59 Scout Tower
27:01 Scout Tower
28:43 Guard Tower
32:11 Farm
32:13 Farm
32:14 Farm
32:15 Farm
32:16 Farm
32:17 Farm
63:38 Farm
ArtELFproF (
purple | 105 APM | 11130 actions | 105:57)
4 Blademaster
2 Wind Walk
2 Critical Strike
2 Shadow Hunter
1 Hex
1 Healing Wave
2 Pandaren Brewmaster
1 Breath of Fire
1 Drunken Haze
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 196 | |
Basic commands | 422 | |
Build / train | 218 | |
ESC pressed | 21 | |
Enter build submenu | 24 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 7 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 4974 | |
Select / deselect | 1515 | |
Select group hotkey | 3356 | |
Use ability | 384 | |
11130 total
» units
Peon | 57 | |
Grunt | 11 | |
Demolisher | 8 | |
Raider | 1 | |
Troll Batrider | 25 | |
Spirit Walker | 2 | |
Troll Witch Doctor | 2 | |
Goblin Zeppelin | 1 | |
107 total
» upgrades
Melee Weapons | 1 | |
Berserker Strength | 1 | |
Ensnare | 1 | |
Shaman Training | 2 | |
Spirit Walker Training | 1 | |
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
Burning Oil | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 2 | |
Spiked Barricades | 1 | |
Witch Doctor Training | 3 | |
Pillage | 1 | |
15 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 7 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 1 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Stronghold | 8 | |
Beastiary | 4 | |
Spirit Lodge | 1 | |
Fortress | 6 | |
Watch Tower | 5 | |
Great Hall | 2 | |
37 total
» build order
00:16 Altar of Storms
00:22 Orc Burrow
00:50 Barracks
01:30 Orc Burrow
01:44 Voodoo Lounge
04:26 War Mill
05:11 Orc Burrow
05:56 Stronghold
05:57 Stronghold
07:31 Orc Burrow
09:29 Beastiary
09:29 Beastiary
09:33 Spirit Lodge
09:34 Fortress
09:35 Fortress
09:35 Fortress
09:35 Fortress
09:38 Orc Burrow
10:54 Orc Burrow
18:42 Orc Burrow
25:27 Beastiary
25:27 Beastiary
43:54 Watch Tower
43:55 Watch Tower
44:11 Watch Tower
50:59 Great Hall
63:07 Watch Tower
63:08 Watch Tower
77:23 Great Hall
» items
Healing Salve | 4 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 4 | |
Scroll of Speed | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 3 | |
Potion of Mana | 4 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
19 total
timme_Zero (
red | 150 APM | 15594 actions | 104:14)
9 Death Knight
3 Death Coil
3 Unholy Aura
1 Animate Dead
2 Death Pact
7 Dreadlord
3 Sleep
3 Vampiric Aura
1 Inferno
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 123 | |
Basic commands | 535 | |
Build / train | 166 | |
ESC pressed | 9 | |
Enter build submenu | 32 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 18 | |
Give item / drop item | 18 | |
Remove unit from queue | 6 | |
Right click | 5010 | |
Select / deselect | 1483 | |
Select group hotkey | 7935 | |
Use ability | 259 | |
15594 total
» units
Acolyte | 42 | |
Ghoul | 4 | |
Crypt Fiend | 8 | |
Obsidian Statue | 4 | |
Gargoyle | 10 | |
Frost Wyrm | 19 | |
Goblin Sapper | 23 | |
110 total
» upgrades
Web | 1 | |
Creature Attack | 3 | |
Creature Carapace | 3 | |
Freezing Breath | 1 | |
8 total
» buildings
Crypt | 3 | |
Altar of Darkness | 1 | |
Ziggurat | 10 | |
Graveyard | 1 | |
Tomb of Relics | 1 | |
Nerubian Tower | 1 | |
Halls of the Dead | 4 | |
Spirit Tower | 3 | |
Slaughterhouse | 2 | |
Black Citadel | 3 | |
Sacrificial Pit | 1 | |
Boneyard | 4 | |
34 total
» build order
00:15 Crypt
00:17 Altar of Darkness
00:20 Ziggurat
00:41 Graveyard
00:58 Ziggurat
02:17 Tomb of Relics
02:49 Nerubian Tower
04:00 Halls of the Dead
04:01 Halls of the Dead
04:01 Halls of the Dead
04:33 Ziggurat
05:05 Spirit Tower
06:56 Slaughterhouse
06:57 Slaughterhouse
06:58 Ziggurat
07:19 Black Citadel
07:19 Black Citadel
07:20 Black Citadel
08:51 Crypt
09:01 Crypt
09:19 Ziggurat
13:52 Ziggurat
13:53 Ziggurat
15:56 Sacrificial Pit
19:35 Boneyard
19:39 Boneyard
19:41 Boneyard
19:42 Boneyard
20:04 Ziggurat
20:05 Ziggurat
20:07 Spirit Tower
20:07 Spirit Tower
20:31 Ziggurat
» items
Dust of Appearance | 3 | |
Wand of Illusion | 1 | |
Cloak of Flames | 1 | |
Crystal Ball | 1 | |
Sentry Wards | 1 | |
7 total
team 2 (winner)
AndreasCarlson (
yellow | 34 APM | 3593 actions | 105:58)
4 Blood Mage
2 Flame Strike
2 Siphon Mana
4 Naga Sea Witch
2 Frost Arrows
2 Forked Lightning
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 12 | |
Basic commands | 99 | |
Build / train | 127 | |
ESC pressed | 5 | |
Enter build submenu | 129 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 9 | |
Give item / drop item | 20 | |
Right click | 1352 | |
Select / deselect | 559 | |
Select group hotkey | 807 | |
Use ability | 474 | |
3593 total
» units
Peasant | 16 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 9 | |
Sorceress | 3 | |
Priest | 3 | |
31 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Swords | 3 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Priest Training | 2 | |
Sorceress Training | 2 | |
16 total
» buildings
Lumber Mill | 2 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 36 | |
Scout Tower | 147 | |
Arcane Tower | 2 | |
Guard Tower | 48 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 4 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 2 | |
248 total
» build order
00:18 Lumber Mill
00:21 Altar of Kings
00:36 Farm
01:09 Scout Tower
01:10 Scout Tower
01:42 Arcane Tower
01:44 Scout Tower
02:06 Scout Tower
02:26 Scout Tower
02:27 Scout Tower
02:34 Scout Tower
02:35 Scout Tower
02:41 Guard Tower
02:44 Farm
03:10 Scout Tower
03:12 Scout Tower
03:22 Scout Tower
03:33 Guard Tower
03:36 Scout Tower
03:37 Scout Tower
03:39 Scout Tower
03:40 Scout Tower
03:52 Guard Tower
03:53 Scout Tower
03:56 Scout Tower
04:22 Guard Tower
04:26 Scout Tower
04:55 Guard Tower
04:57 Scout Tower
04:57 Scout Tower
04:59 Scout Tower
04:59 Scout Tower
06:01 Guard Tower
06:06 Scout Tower
06:07 Scout Tower
06:09 Scout Tower
06:11 Scout Tower
06:21 Scout Tower
06:22 Scout Tower
06:23 Scout Tower
06:25 Scout Tower
06:25 Scout Tower
06:26 Scout Tower
06:37 Town Hall
06:48 Scout Tower
06:48 Scout Tower
06:49 Scout Tower
06:49 Scout Tower
06:57 Guard Tower
07:18 Guard Tower
07:46 Guard Tower
07:50 Guard Tower
08:04 Guard Tower
08:07 Guard Tower
08:10 Scout Tower
08:11 Scout Tower
08:12 Scout Tower
08:13 Scout Tower
08:31 Keep
08:35 Guard Tower
08:35 Guard Tower
08:39 Scout Tower
08:41 Scout Tower
09:08 Guard Tower
09:11 Guard Tower
09:26 Scout Tower
09:27 Scout Tower
09:28 Scout Tower
09:28 Scout Tower
09:30 Scout Tower
09:30 Scout Tower
09:31 Scout Tower
09:32 Scout Tower
09:33 Scout Tower
09:34 Scout Tower
09:35 Scout Tower
09:36 Scout Tower
09:44 Guard Tower
09:52 Scout Tower
09:53 Scout Tower
09:55 Scout Tower
09:55 Scout Tower
10:15 Guard Tower
10:23 Scout Tower
10:24 Scout Tower
10:25 Scout Tower
10:26 Scout Tower
10:27 Scout Tower
10:28 Scout Tower
10:28 Scout Tower
10:29 Scout Tower
10:35 Scout Tower
10:36 Scout Tower
10:38 Scout Tower
10:38 Scout Tower
10:40 Scout Tower
10:40 Scout Tower
10:41 Scout Tower
10:42 Scout Tower
10:43 Scout Tower
10:47 Guard Tower
11:03 Guard Tower
12:35 Guard Tower
12:38 Scout Tower
12:42 Scout Tower
12:44 Scout Tower
12:45 Scout Tower
12:45 Scout Tower
12:46 Scout Tower
12:49 Scout Tower
12:50 Scout Tower
12:53 Scout Tower
12:53 Scout Tower
12:54 Scout Tower
12:55 Scout Tower
12:55 Scout Tower
12:56 Scout Tower
13:10 Guard Tower
13:13 Guard Tower
13:16 Arcane Sanctum
13:18 Blacksmith
13:32 Guard Tower
13:59 Guard Tower
14:42 Guard Tower
14:50 Scout Tower
14:51 Scout Tower
14:53 Scout Tower
14:54 Scout Tower
16:20 Guard Tower
16:24 Scout Tower
16:25 Scout Tower
16:26 Scout Tower
16:27 Scout Tower
16:41 Scout Tower
16:42 Scout Tower
16:48 Castle
16:54 Gryphon Aviary
17:00 Barracks
17:15 Arcane Vault
17:31 Guard Tower
17:34 Guard Tower
17:37 Scout Tower
17:38 Scout Tower
17:51 Lumber Mill
18:18 Guard Tower
18:21 Scout Tower
18:22 Scout Tower
18:23 Scout Tower
18:24 Scout Tower
18:24 Scout Tower
19:45 Scout Tower
19:45 Scout Tower
19:46 Scout Tower
20:44 Guard Tower
22:33 Guard Tower
22:36 Scout Tower
22:37 Scout Tower
23:01 Gryphon Aviary
23:01 Gryphon Aviary
23:09 Farm
23:11 Farm
23:12 Farm
23:13 Farm
23:14 Farm
23:17 Farm
23:18 Farm
24:00 Guard Tower
24:08 Scout Tower
24:09 Scout Tower
24:10 Scout Tower
24:11 Scout Tower
28:25 Farm
28:29 Farm
28:31 Farm
28:34 Farm
28:39 Farm
28:57 Guard Tower
39:25 Scout Tower
39:27 Scout Tower
39:28 Scout Tower
39:29 Scout Tower
40:56 Guard Tower
41:12 Guard Tower
43:45 Scout Tower
43:46 Scout Tower
44:06 Farm
44:08 Farm
44:10 Gryphon Aviary
44:19 Guard Tower
47:17 Scout Tower
47:17 Scout Tower
48:13 Guard Tower
48:15 Scout Tower
48:17 Scout Tower
48:24 Scout Tower
49:55 Guard Tower
50:51 Arcane Vault
52:43 Scout Tower
52:44 Scout Tower
52:45 Scout Tower
52:46 Scout Tower
52:48 Scout Tower
52:51 Scout Tower
52:53 Scout Tower
53:19 Guard Tower
54:05 Farm
54:06 Farm
54:07 Farm
54:14 Farm
54:15 Farm
54:17 Farm
54:19 Farm
54:20 Farm
54:22 Farm
54:42 Guard Tower
55:56 Scout Tower
57:25 Guard Tower
57:27 Scout Tower
57:29 Scout Tower
57:42 Scout Tower
57:43 Scout Tower
57:45 Scout Tower
57:47 Scout Tower
58:15 Guard Tower
58:20 Guard Tower
58:51 Guard Tower
59:14 Guard Tower
59:45 Guard Tower
60:07 Scout Tower
60:12 Scout Tower
60:14 Scout Tower
60:15 Scout Tower
60:18 Scout Tower
60:19 Scout Tower
60:26 Scout Tower
62:52 Arcane Tower
77:25 Farm
77:26 Farm
77:27 Farm
79:05 Farm
79:06 Farm
79:09 Farm
79:48 Farm
79:52 Farm
79:57 Farm
81:14 Farm
81:18 Farm
» items
Boots of Speed | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 2 | |
Helm of Valor | 1 | |
Ring of Regeneration | 1 | |
Amulet of Spell Shield | 1 | |
Ancient Janggo of Endurance | 1 | |
Khadgar's Pipe of Insight | 1 | |
Warsong Battle Drums | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Legion Doom-Horn | 1 | |
Staff of Silence | 1 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 2 | |
Hood of Cunning | 1 | |
Khadgar's Gem of Health | 1 | |
17 total
ChrisTandoi (
orange | 57 APM | 5999 actions | 105:59)
8 Warden
3 Shadow Strike
3 Blink
1 Spirit of Vengeance
1 Fan of Knives
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 213 | |
Basic commands | 17 | |
Build / train | 130 | |
Enter build submenu | 36 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 9 | |
Give item / drop item | 18 | |
Remove unit from queue | 18 | |
Right click | 3586 | |
Select / deselect | 788 | |
Select group hotkey | 810 | |
Use ability | 374 | |
5999 total
» units
Wisp | 34 | |
Chimaera | -5 | |
Druid of the Talon | 33 | |
Goblin Zeppelin | 1 | |
63 total
» upgrades
Ultravision | 1 | |
Nature's Blessing | 1 | |
Well Spring | 1 | |
Strength of the Wild | 3 | |
Reinforced Hides | 4 | |
Corrosive Breath | 1 | |
Druid of the Talon Training | 2 | |
Mark of the Talon | 1 | |
14 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders | 2 | |
Moon Well | 24 | |
Tree of Ages | 3 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Tree of Life | 2 | |
Ancient of Wind | 3 | |
Tree of Eternity | 2 | |
Ancient of Wonders | 1 | |
Chimaera Roost | 3 | |
41 total
» build order
00:02 Altar of Elders
00:09 Moon Well
01:42 Moon Well
03:23 Tree of Ages
03:23 Tree of Ages
03:29 Moon Well
03:57 Hunter's Hall
04:24 Moon Well
04:43 Tree of Life
05:22 Moon Well
06:38 Moon Well
06:39 Moon Well
07:19 Ancient of Wind
09:55 Tree of Eternity
09:55 Tree of Eternity
11:04 Moon Well
11:04 Moon Well
11:44 Ancient of Wonders
12:51 Chimaera Roost
13:01 Chimaera Roost
14:37 Chimaera Roost
35:45 Moon Well
35:45 Moon Well
35:47 Moon Well
35:48 Moon Well
35:49 Moon Well
35:50 Moon Well
39:45 Altar of Elders
39:49 Moon Well
39:51 Moon Well
40:05 Moon Well
40:26 Ancient of Wind
40:28 Ancient of Wind
41:24 Moon Well
41:25 Moon Well
41:26 Moon Well
41:31 Moon Well
42:50 Moon Well
42:51 Moon Well
43:03 Tree of Life
» items
Orb of Venom | 1 | |
Staff of Preservation | 1 | |
Medallion of Courage | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 3 | |
Hood of Cunning | 2 | |
Pendant of Energy | 1 | |
Pendant of Mana | 1 | |
Khadgar's Gem of Health | 1 | |
14 total
ShaneRutherford (
pink | 71 APM | 7576 actions | 105:58)
10 Blademaster
3 Wind Walk
3 Critical Strike
1 Bladestorm
3 Mirror Image
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 1592 | |
Basic commands | 126 | |
Build / train | 141 | |
Enter build submenu | 119 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 9 | |
Give item / drop item | 26 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 3710 | |
Select / deselect | 1071 | |
Select group hotkey | 256 | |
Use ability | 520 | |
7576 total
» units
Peon | 25 | |
Goblin Zeppelin | 6 | |
Troll Batrider | 14 | |
Demolisher | 2 | |
Wind Rider | 8 | |
Spirit Walker | 2 | |
Troll Witch Doctor | 2 | |
Raider | 2 | |
Shaman | 3 | |
64 total
» upgrades
Spiked Barricades | 3 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 3 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Ensnare | 1 | |
Burning Oil | 1 | |
Spirit Walker Training | 2 | |
Witch Doctor Training | 3 | |
Envenomed Spears | 1 | |
Shaman Training | 2 | |
20 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 8 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Watch Tower | 68 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 2 | |
Great Hall | 3 | |
Stronghold | 1 | |
Fortress | 2 | |
Beastiary | 3 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Spirit Lodge | 2 | |
92 total
» build order
00:05 Altar of Storms
00:18 Orc Burrow
01:02 War Mill
02:16 Orc Burrow
02:33 Watch Tower
02:35 Watch Tower
03:57 Watch Tower
03:58 Watch Tower
04:05 Watch Tower
04:06 Watch Tower
04:23 Watch Tower
04:27 Watch Tower
04:28 Watch Tower
04:29 Watch Tower
04:36 Voodoo Lounge
04:40 Voodoo Lounge
05:12 Watch Tower
05:15 Watch Tower
05:20 Watch Tower
05:39 Watch Tower
05:40 Watch Tower
06:31 Great Hall
06:36 Watch Tower
06:39 Watch Tower
06:46 Watch Tower
07:05 Watch Tower
07:31 Watch Tower
07:34 Watch Tower
07:36 Watch Tower
07:37 Watch Tower
08:09 Watch Tower
10:48 Stronghold
11:02 Watch Tower
11:02 Watch Tower
11:05 Watch Tower
11:05 Watch Tower
11:43 Orc Burrow
12:58 Watch Tower
12:59 Watch Tower
13:45 Watch Tower
13:45 Watch Tower
14:23 Fortress
15:04 Beastiary
15:05 Beastiary
15:07 Beastiary
26:27 Great Hall
26:28 Watch Tower
26:31 Great Hall
26:34 Watch Tower
26:35 Watch Tower
26:35 Watch Tower
26:38 Watch Tower
26:39 Watch Tower
26:40 Watch Tower
26:40 Watch Tower
26:41 Watch Tower
28:59 Orc Burrow
36:44 Watch Tower
36:44 Watch Tower
39:21 Watch Tower
40:27 Watch Tower
40:35 Watch Tower
41:02 Barracks
41:09 Spirit Lodge
41:46 Watch Tower
43:04 Watch Tower
43:06 Watch Tower
44:22 Watch Tower
44:30 Watch Tower
45:37 Watch Tower
46:12 Orc Burrow
46:13 Orc Burrow
46:13 Orc Burrow
46:16 Orc Burrow
47:20 Spirit Lodge
47:27 Watch Tower
48:15 Watch Tower
48:18 Watch Tower
48:22 Watch Tower
48:23 Watch Tower
48:23 Watch Tower
48:36 Watch Tower
48:37 Watch Tower
50:00 Watch Tower
54:47 Watch Tower
55:03 Watch Tower
55:04 Watch Tower
55:04 Watch Tower
55:05 Watch Tower
60:43 Watch Tower
60:44 Watch Tower
» items
Healing Salve | 3 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 5 | |
Claws of Attack +12 | 4 | |
Gloves of Haste | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 4 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
20 total
Chat log
(00:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: do you know peeps that wig
(00:24 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yo what does ittake for me to be an Esquire
(00:25 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: nobody i know can put in the time or effort to wig
(00:29 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i have no idea
(00:33 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: esquire is a lawyer i think
(00:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yeah i was out drinkin with some guys that do serious wigging
(00:49 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: guy all bragging about how he beat SaSe
(00:49 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: are they good
(00:54 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: oh
(01:04 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: mr carlson may i request you tower me if i feed you
(01:10 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: which one
(01:21 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: uhm
(01:24 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: the human
(01:28 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: figured
(01:30 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: we all human
(01:34 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: yellow then
(01:40 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: u some kind of space cyborg
(01:41 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: the real andreas is not human... not anymore...
(01:48 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: man this gonna be confusing
(01:55 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: LOL
(01:57 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: LMFAO
(02:00 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: nope ad jhoke
(02:18 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: real andreas by now would be blamig allies and on verge of tears
(02:30 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: always on the verge, never quite there
(02:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: freak
(03:34 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: solo record
(03:38 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: guy gonna die
(03:40 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: motherfucking
(03:41 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: solo
(03:42 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: record
(03:45 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: shane rutherford u fool
(04:04 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: shane rutherford was always known as a noobs noob
(04:18 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i do little to dispel this myth
(04:19 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: speaking of a noob . .
(05:02 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: so tim have you ever been to the hamptons
(05:04 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: sweet slips
(05:08 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: yes
(05:18 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: is that where all the rich people live
(05:21 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: my mom's cousins husband was mayor of west hampton beach
(05:24 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: yes
(05:26 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: well no
(05:30 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: nobody livea there
(05:33 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: not all of them probabl6
(05:35 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: they just go during summer
(05:52 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: but yeah everybody there is millionaire borderling billionaire
(05:58 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: the houses u would not even believe.
(06:08 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: where are these
(06:10 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: "hamptons"
(06:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: east long island
(06:51 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lum
(06:53 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: exactly where do i eat here
(07:00 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: share
(07:17 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: got mad revevea
(07:20 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: revealed
(07:21 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: mroe lum
(07:29 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: mad more lum
(07:33 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: pumping wisps
(07:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: more
(07:49 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lum
(07:51 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: more
(08:57 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: stoppe.
(08:57 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: go cj mb?
(09:02 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: co laborate
(09:11 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lumy o
(09:19 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lmfao!
(09:22 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: outplayed
(09:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: man sweet items this game
(09:43 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: claws are in rotation
(09:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: sweet man items this game
(10:01 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: this one tree
(10:04 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: naturally untouched
(10:05 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: wow
(10:09 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i gotta get that pendant
(10:42 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: gay
(10:49 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lum
(11:30 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: gimme a shout if you need gauld
(11:31 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: sometimes when i cant pick a hero i just press keyboard at random
(11:45 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: is basically how i micro too
(11:53 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: -Andreas Carlson
(12:02 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: gonna get quoted on this ib et
(12:13 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: omw
(12:13 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i wish my hero wasent dead
(12:24 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: oops
(12:29 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ahmm
(12:29 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: raiders
(12:51 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: cloak of flames
(12:53 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: no big loss
(12:59 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: repair noob
(14:41 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: invisimort then
(14:41 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: get sentry
(14:42 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: mayhaps
(14:43 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i need reveal towers
(15:55 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: thanks bros
(16:03 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: you can dispel invis with detonate
(16:22 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: nooblinn get truesight
(16:27 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i have
(16:33 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lum!!!!!!
(18:22 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: can i get a tower or 2 behind my mind
(18:52 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: guy long distancing iduno
(18:53 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: the heck
(18:58 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i have no idea
(19:17 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: please protect noob
(19:21 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: comingggg
(20:41 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: upg
(20:58 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: hit them up scrub/noob
(20:59 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yeh checkin em all
(21:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: cap am jhe;lm
(21:16 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: :-o
(21:20 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: i buy for u
(21:21 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: going for +12s this game
(21:23 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: ok sure
(21:24 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: fuck
(21:30 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i'll take for now
(21:32 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: stack my nigga naga with claws den.
(22:00 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: mtay
(22:40 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: thanks for the blocksies
(22:48 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: hope we have bats
(22:52 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: bloodmage more like auramage
(22:53 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: a few...
(23:24 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: no ups ty good
(23:40 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lmfao 100x dhawk
(24:08 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yeah jesus need some help
(24:15 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: got no air really
(24:19 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: and it would be raped in seconds
(24:23 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: but when heroes out i come
(24:34 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: gettig worker out
(24:44 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: coming up
(24:54 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: disabled most of the hawk
(24:59 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: we need a silence staff
(25:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lmfao!
(25:57 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ahahaha
(25:59 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i bought the potion
(26:04 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: but alas too late
(26:15 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i got the bat production buildings btw
(26:51 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: go harass
(26:53 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: let my expo get up
(27:10 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: get doomhorn
(27:17 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: janggo
(27:28 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: i got all aura
(27:29 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: dango jango
(27:32 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: even command?
(27:37 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: delicious mango
(27:46 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: dey call me aura man
(27:47 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i love auramules
(27:49 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: they look so sweet
(28:02 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: naga has command
(28:08 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: get rid of orb
(28:18 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: but i dont want to >?:(
(28:19 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i am shane rutherford and this i command
(28:30 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: welp
(29:05 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i got a bunch of purps burrows o well
(29:07 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: warden hat
(29:18 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: i also got silence staff
(29:20 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: noice
(29:20 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: any 12 claws?
(29:26 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: none lately but i want all of them
(29:33 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: ok fine U get
(29:53 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: not bothering
(29:57 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: expo got mad little money in it
(30:30 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: want a 9 claw
(30:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i think the items i have a lil better
(30:50 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: ok
(30:57 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: my blade is fine atm, only room for improvement is really more 12s
(31:18 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: arghgh
(31:56 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: unsleep
(31:57 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: it
(32:01 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: vm
(32:04 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: he'll be ok
(32:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: ur welmcoe..
(32:19 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: pft that 60 gold
(32:25 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: may come back to haunt u
(32:32 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: comapre to 155 dott
(33:08 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: beam me up scotty. lol.
(33:09 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: jees
(33:16 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: ud has all expos
(33:28 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: ud is mupkeep
(33:30 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: mega upkeep
(33:35 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: want cap am
(33:36 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: oops wasted a lot of moonjuice there
(33:39 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: forgot to drop my +mana
(33:45 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: not really on the capam
(33:57 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: wont really eed it
(34:26 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i thought ethereal units got hit by bladestorm
(34:39 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: guess they dont, boy isface red
(35:01 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: welp'
(35:06 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: :-) noob :-)
(35:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: commencing upkeep
(35:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: still got a bunch of gold in expo
(35:56 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: im all teched ad all yeched
(36:00 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: or dont windwalk, sure
(36:02 / All) A]rTMa[N: LOL
(36:15 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: may be time to let them have some bases tho
(36:19 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: dont lose pleasdee
(36:19 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: or let them kill hero
(37:18 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: what kind of orc things do we want up top?
(37:22 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: bringing a burnapult i guses
(37:23 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: spirit link
(37:24 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: heal ward
(37:26 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: any help!?
(37:32 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: nope
(37:34 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: dont lose units please
(37:35 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: wow
(37:37 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: look at that nob
(37:39 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: he's 42 food
(37:44 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: what are we going up or something
(37:45 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: aw jesus.
(37:48 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: get 100 food; get out
(37:55 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: hahaha no man we're just going to lose the game bro
(38:10 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: tp out with wisp or some shit fuck
(38:41 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: only goign 24 dhawk
(38:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: because fuck more than 2 group
(38:54 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: ok bring inner fire and invis
(38:58 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: yeah
(39:00 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: im at 84 food
(39:02 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: gloves or helm?
(39:04 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: helm prob
(39:05 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: am i really going 16 food caster
(39:19 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: watch bat
(39:29 / All) A]rTMa[N: -1 noob
(39:45 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: lmao
(39:47 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: all shane food
(39:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: is wisp
(39:51 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: haha
(39:52 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: :)
(40:15 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: guy hasn't played warcraft in 2 years so
(40:29 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: need a tol here
(40:35 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: got my tech up
(40:38 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: so chill yo ass
(40:42 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: fuck
(40:44 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: as soon as i sell
(40:47 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: to buy silence staff
(40:50 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: it fuckes me over
(41:22 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: where is zep
(41:23 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: ah right snentry ward
(41:29 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: fuckin infernal damn
(41:33 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: get here i buy mopre zep
(42:03 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: these guys have really minimized their gold income
(42:08 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: to
(42:11 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: l
(42:25 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: uh oh
(42:34 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: uh oh uh oh
(42:39 / All) ShaneRutherford: fuck
(42:40 / All) ShaneRutherford: gg
(42:42 / All) ShaneRutherford: noob allies
(42:45 / All) A]rTMa[N: NOOOOBS
(42:46 / All) A]rTMa[N: FUUU
(42:58 / All) A]rTMa[N: FUUU
(42:59 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: tol
(43:00 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: tol
(43:01 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: tol
(43:03 / All) A]rTMa[N: HA HA HA FREE WIN
(43:13 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: sweet
(43:25 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: i got 8 food
(43:28 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: what do i spend on
(43:30 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: kodo ontop: y oder n
(43:42 / All) A]rTMa[N: NOOOOBS
(43:52 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: does kodo stack with command
(43:58 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: dont think so
(44:13 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: level 10
(44:14 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: peacing out
(44:27 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: could use some help deforesting island b
(44:50 / All) ArtELFproF: ГОЛДА
(44:52 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: where is zeppelin
(44:52 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: should i bring dark ranger up?
(45:00 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: i got a stafff but w./e
(45:17 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: hodd of cunnin
(45:24 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: warden item
(45:28 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: pick uip
(45:30 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: yep i drop accidentally
(45:47 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: place a tech in TV tehc valle
(46:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: need zep for caster
(46:18 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: medal of courage or hood on warden
(46:26 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: hood
(46:58 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: still got wisp spote
(46:59 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: khaddy
(47:01 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: gem
(47:58 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: can i det all wisps on bot?
(48:04 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: if we have lum
(48:09 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: we have like 15 on top anyway
(48:29 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: got me three more talons anyway
(49:50 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ok 100
(50:02 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: soon here
(50:34 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: warden medal
(50:43 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: well hat is better
(50:51 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: control groups 2- 5 are now dotts
(51:10 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: do we got witch doc
(51:24 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yeah shipipng some up
(51:28 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: maybe a shaman is sweet
(51:33 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: also building
(51:34 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: what's wrong with my warden
(51:35 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: ic
(51:51 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i'd say tp scroll
(51:54 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: yea
(51:55 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: h
(51:55 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: no i mean
(51:56 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: is pointless on a level 5+ warden
(51:58 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: she keeps walking weirdly
(52:13 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: like stopping once every two steps
(52:29 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: are you clicking a lot?
(52:35 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: nope and i don't think i'm lagging
(52:37 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: just once
(52:39 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: otherwise it might be threading bug
(52:42 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: like too many units
(52:44 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: weird it's working now
(52:46 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: sometimes it does that
(52:49 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: but once i queued up all my dotts
(52:51 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: she just wouldn't move y'know?
(52:58 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: idea
(53:02 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: spike
(53:02 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: leave this kind of open
(53:06 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: so heroes can run around behind
(53:10 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: but make a back row too
(53:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: so still a bunch of tower
(53:17 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: when air attack
(53:23 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: make it hollow you know.
(53:38 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: sell boot
(53:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: do you have a spare worker
(53:53 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: nah killed most
(54:00 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: id say clear some trees for mega in case but not needed prob
(54:11 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i've planned for everything
(54:24 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: this zep has some pults
(54:27 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: in case they start sieging
(54:32 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: did you like what i did with flamestrike
(54:37 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: nm
(54:40 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: man this is a good perch
(54:50 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: no lust?
(54:54 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: a perf perch
(54:56 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: lust there
(55:26 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: ud heroes are outrageously strong fyi
(55:34 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: in general or this game
(55:38 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: both is truei suppose
(55:39 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: this game particular
(55:42 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: 6 dreadlord is harsh
(56:11 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: A Tree Grows in Silverpine.
(56:15 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ouch my fps takes a dip top right
(56:17 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: like a tree grows in brookly LMAO
(56:20 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: warden hood
(56:28 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i'm happy with my warden items ATM
(56:36 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: maybe swap out the pendant for a khaddy
(57:10 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: unholy aura is awesome
(57:12 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i'd say less energy, more warden hood
(57:17 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: mechanical units heal
(57:22 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yaeh
(57:24 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: same with tc aura
(57:26 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: iirc
(57:35 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: except tc aura dont heal.
(57:43 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: oh i thought it id
(57:55 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: tc aura is move speed/attack speed fat noob
(57:56 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: just movespeed and attack speed then
(57:58 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: have we reveak
(58:11 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: i make yobservatory in a min
(58:19 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: lol sappers
(58:37 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ahaha
(58:46 / All) ArtELFproF: !!!
(58:52 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: just owned purp so hard
(58:59 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: man my whole family is awake
(59:04 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: who the fuck is awake at 9:30
(59:11 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: ad they been up for like 1-2 hour
(59:20 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: howcome you up so early on a sat
(59:26 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: didnt sleep
(59:30 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: base self destructing
(59:34 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: no point in making that dk even stronger
(59:55 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: their army is gonna be so worthless up top it's hilarious
(60:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: damn
(60:52 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: orc hu ud is nasty combo
(61:05 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: word
(61:12 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: dun fill
(61:16 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: but Kajind is now an S++ blade
(61:19 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yeah
(61:20 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: aheh
(61:24 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: no more towers on that side
(61:31 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: my heroes are all about helping other peeps
(61:32 / All) A]rTMa[N: GG NOOBS
(61:35 / All) ShaneRutherford: gg :(
(61:37 / All) AndreasCarlson: gg i submit
(61:39 / All) A]rTMa[N: Fu
(61:40 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: level 8 here i come
(61:41 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: observatory please
(61:44 / All) A]rTMa[N: NOOBS
(61:50 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: observatory under construction
(61:55 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: gotta upg allat same time though
(61:56 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: noob
(62:26 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: shouldve killed burrow oh well
(62:31 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: well w/e
(62:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: dk is already fuckin 9
(62:42 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: holy crap
(62:44 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: are yuo
(62:45 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: is he
(62:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: thanks shane for feeding.
(62:49 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yea
(62:51 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: :(
(62:52 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: and dreadlord is like 10
(62:53 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: how did I
(62:57 / All) A]rTMa[N: LEAVE NOOBS
(62:57 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: thank god he didnt tri hero
(63:02 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: you lost your whole shit down there
(63:07 / All) A]rTMa[N: FUCKING NOOBS
(63:11 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: dk
(63:12 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i suppose
(63:13 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: got shittiest items
(63:15 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: damn fuck
(63:20 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: hehe
(63:22 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: is good atleast
(63:24 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: doesn't matter we win
(63:36 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: this borderline perfect perch
(63:40 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: a bear or two would be swell
(63:47 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i guess
(63:53 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i mean some web
(63:55 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: would be ace
(63:58 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: but really
(64:01 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: for what we have
(64:02 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: that is cheating because ud is cheating
(64:09 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: well maybe those webspinner mercs?
(64:14 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: on slalom tilset
(64:16 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: we still haev like 20k gold combined
(64:40 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: backup zep
(65:03 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i like the idea of keeping some siege in a zep
(65:07 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: near perch
(65:08 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: why
(65:10 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: here we go
(65:20 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: toos low
(65:22 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: for when they start sieging
(65:28 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: on this map in particular
(65:32 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i mean they dont have gold this time but
(65:34 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: sometimes
(65:40 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: is a hassel
(65:44 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: have a sly peek about that
(65:47 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: like 4k
(65:49 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: use observatory
(66:07 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: yes kill those beasts
(66:22 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: noob
(66:34 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: +53 wow
(66:57 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: at least bats won't be a p
(67:08 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: gg
(67:11 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: gonna drop a fernal on ya
(67:32 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: thats like his strat
(67:36 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: saved u because u 2 noob to take care of uself
(67:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: sleep you then dropa fucking fernal on your face
(67:42 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: uhm ok
(67:45 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i was doing it but whatever
(67:55 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: peep some dhawk
(67:56 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: he can drop an infernal (he mouth) on me (my dick) all he likes
(68:03 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: motay
(68:08 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: guy has about 500 food tank though
(68:10 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: so i wouldnt worry
(68:13 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: yeah leave tanks
(68:14 / All) ArtELFproF: ВЕРНИ
(68:18 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: they dont mine at all
(68:33 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: he making a thing
(68:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yeah i killed some hawk
(68:58 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: chopd dat shop
(69:07 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: nerf masonry
(69:11 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: goin up 4 a rest cure
(69:12 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: gtfo!!!!!
(69:22 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: pwmned
(69:22 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: dodge
(69:29 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: afking a min
(69:34 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: got 2 squad of 12 dhawk
(69:36 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yeah gonna let heal run it's course
(69:36 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: me too pissin & getting a drinkkkk
(70:33 / All) ShaneRutherford: how ya doin
(71:03 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: back
(71:06 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i am sittin so snug right now
(71:09 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: like a bug in a rug u no?
(71:15 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: yo
(71:23 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: i think
(71:31 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: not sleeping for a mad log time
(71:34 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: then going to sleep
(71:38 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: is like best feeling in world
(71:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: the longer you go without sleeping the sweeter it is
(72:00 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: agree
(72:10 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: dam
(72:13 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: my naga
(72:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: got drums
(72:19 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: which effect damage
(72:21 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: get rdyyy
(72:28 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: zepdrop imimeinint
(72:29 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: my mage got pipe/horn kinda similar
(72:32 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: which effect rege
(72:32 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: no
(72:35 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: they're gonna siege probly
(72:55 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: if this was surrounded by water
(72:56 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: shall i zeppsassinate
(72:58 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: it would be an amazing perch
(73:01 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: an a.p.\
(73:05 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: not until they're over mountain
(73:08 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: the mountain of death
(73:19 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: this would be littered with so many corpses by now
(73:23 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: during our perches
(73:26 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ok contrl group 2 is Alpha, 3 is Beta, 4 is Gamma and 5 is Delta
(73:31 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: just armies falling from the sky
(73:37 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: control roup 1 is kajind
(73:38 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: so i'm bringin out Alpha squadron for this mission; i'm scrambling them
(73:43 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: 1 is Alsa Iron-Cell
(73:44 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: mad sweet
(73:48 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ahah
(73:53 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: that looks awesome
(74:00 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: take screenshot or a thing
(74:02 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: is mad sweet
(74:08 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: with all the auras on too then
(74:09 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: nah inner fire gone
(74:24 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: no alleria flute?
(74:30 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: dango
(74:30 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: nope
(74:32 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: dont think it dropped
(74:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: doesent need to
(75:14 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: dead men tell no tales
(75:27 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: 8 dhawk teched 1/0 no animal war training
(75:33 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: pathetic...
(75:38 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: get out of my site
(75:40 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: god damn
(75:48 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: thats some blinn shit
(75:49 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: this kanye west song is really good, dont get it
(75:56 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: haha some blinn shit
(76:16 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: this perch mad sexy & snazzy
(76:35 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: got a little towne/village down here
(76:37 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: we basically have 300 food of anti-anti-tower units sittin up here
(76:43 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: AAT
(77:39 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: man what's crazy is our races match up perfectly- i usually play orc, matausually plays hu and tim usually plays elf
(77:58 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: how insaneo
(78:08 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: kind of weird
(78:15 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: how i can tell exactly who's who by their speech mannerisms
(78:23 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: scrambling
(78:40 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: want them to land their heroes tho
(78:41 / All) A]rTMa[N: СУКА ЁБАНЫЕ НУБЫ
(78:44 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ahaha
(78:47 / All) A]rTMa[N: ПИДАРЫ
(78:51 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: keeping 101st wyvern division on reserve
(78:52 / All) A]rTMa[N: Я ВАШ РОТ ЕБАЛ!
(78:56 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: not bringing them out until the yland
(79:00 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: which prob wont happen
(79:11 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: are they in final stage yet?
(79:19 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: ie all going into one base
(79:22 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: and afking
(79:33 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: what's in that zep?
(79:39 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: orc hero set?
(80:04 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: this towne is growing bigger by the day
(80:10 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: why build farms?
(80:12 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: empty . . .
(80:13 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: you're at 100upk
(80:20 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: why not
(80:23 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: it contained ud heroes then
(80:27 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: prepare for if i need to rebuild.
(80:44 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: this metropolis slowly expanding into forest
(80:51 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: overcrowding is becoming an issue
(81:47 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: Wisp 39 Chimaera 10 Hippogryph 9
(81:54 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: that rep bear posted
(81:56 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: such a tower game
(82:12 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: is not correct tho i had a full ctrl group of chims
(83:54 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: there im at 100/100 food
(83:57 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: it feela good
(84:05 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: my namea blinn
(84:31 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: remember when we first found out about this valley
(84:38 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: man we had no idea what was in store for the future.
(85:24 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: why do you blink so late
(85:27 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i don't
(85:28 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: cant blame lag is euroep
(85:31 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i blink as soon as it cools
(85:38 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: i'm hitting B so fuckin fast you don't even know
(87:59 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: takes 15 shits all over you at once
(88:02 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: as soon as i hit enter you lag
(88:12 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: tabbing out hope we dont lose
(88:22 / All) A]rTMa[N: LOOSERS LEAVE
(88:26 / All) A]rTMa[N: WE NOT A LEAVE
(88:30 / All) A]rTMa[N: WE WAIT YOU
(88:33 / All) ArtELFproF: FUCKER NOOOOOBS
(90:00 / All) AndreasCarlson: art elf pro
(90:08 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ahm
(90:11 / All) ArtELFproF: what&
(90:14 / All) timme_Zero: ?
(90:15 / All) ChrisTandoi: bear&
(90:16 / All) AndreasCarlson: what^
(90:23 / All) AndreasCarlson: from?
(90:28 / All) A]rTMa[N: RUS
(90:29 / All) ChrisTandoi: me from croatia
(90:33 / All) A]rTMa[N: YOU BITCH LEAVE
(90:35 / All) A]rTMa[N: YOU NOOB
(90:38 / All) ChrisTandoi: ?
(90:39 / All) ArtELFproF: FUCKING SHEAT
(90:40 / All) AndreasCarlson: lol rus.
(90:41 / All) A]rTMa[N: YOU FROM NOOBLAND!
(90:45 / All) ChrisTandoi: no croatia..
(90:49 / All) ArtELFproF: u from?
(90:51 / All) ChrisTandoi: where is noobland
(90:52 / All) AndreasCarlson: same thing
(90:56 / All) AndreasCarlson: USA #1.
(90:59 / All) timme_Zero: LOL
(91:02 / All) A]rTMa[N: you need know
(91:04 / All) A]rTMa[N: Еблан
(91:07 / All) A]rTMa[N: сука тупой
(91:07 / All) timme_Zero: usa suks
(91:09 / All) A]rTMa[N: ты еблан?
(91:12 / All) A]rTMa[N: ДА?
(91:13 / All) ChrisTandoi: have you guys lost to croatia before now?
(91:16 / All) AndreasCarlson: USA win cold war LOL.
(91:18 / All) ArtELFproF: USA SKUM
(91:22 / All) timme_Zero: See
(91:26 / All) AndreasCarlson: how is u berlin wall.
(91:27 / All) timme_Zero: noob
(91:28 / All) A]rTMa[N: we will see noobs
(91:29 / All) ChrisTandoi: how is gorbachev lol
(91:36 / All) ArtELFproF: because SSSP FUCK
(91:40 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: man
(91:42 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: hahaha
(91:45 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: russians and brazillians
(91:49 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: so bad at this game
(91:50 / All) timme_Zero: lol SSSR not RUS
(91:50 / All) ArtELFproF: BUSH CHEAT
(91:51 / All) timme_Zero: LOL
(91:53 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: so angry about it
(92:07 / All) ChrisTandoi: communism sucks karl marx is gay
(92:12 / All) AndreasCarlson: russia suck my big black american cock
(92:17 / All) timme_Zero: LOL
(92:25 / All) timme_Zero: come to rus
(92:26 / All) timme_Zero: PLZ
(92:32 / All) ChrisTandoi: no why would i go to a third world country
(92:33 / All) timme_Zero: )
(92:38 / All) AndreasCarlson: why would i go to shtity perpetual winter country with terrible economy
(92:39 / All) A]rTMa[N: we fuck your american black ass
(92:53 / All) ChrisTandoi: so cold there ur nuts freeze off lol
(92:58 / All) timme_Zero: just put alt +q + q
(93:01 / All) ChrisTandoi: no u
(93:01 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: haha
(93:05 / All) ArtELFproF: WE WIN
(93:06 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: just put alt +q
(93:14 / All) ArtELFproF: FUCK
(93:20 / All) AndreasCarlson: come attack
(93:22 / All) ArtELFproF: иди ка ты нахуй
(93:23 / All) timme_Zero: we stay
(93:23 / All) AndreasCarlson: my dick swing u down
(93:24 / All) ArtELFproF: сука
(93:25 / All) timme_Zero: LOL
(93:27 / All) ArtELFproF: suka
(93:29 / All) ChrisTandoi: hmm we have more money.. more units... u will lose
(93:33 / All) timme_Zero: come rus
(93:34 / All) timme_Zero: PLZ
(93:35 / All) timme_Zero: PLZ
(93:37 / All) ArtELFproF: pidr ebanii
(93:40 / All) timme_Zero: COME
(93:48 / All) AndreasCarlson: why would i go to russia, iw ould rather eat my own shit
(93:55 / All) ChrisTandoi: russia is a horrible country
(93:58 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: Beck is the coolest scientologist probably
(94:02 / All) AndreasCarlson: come to USA i get u a job and real country
(94:04 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: is he really a scientologist
(94:06 / All) timme_Zero: u all die in rus
(94:08 / All) timme_Zero: LOL
(94:13 / All) A]rTMa[N: Наша Раша Равшан и Джумшут Рулят а вы пидары
(94:14 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: i think so but i'm not sure he makes a big deal of it
(94:16 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: scientology is just tax evasion when u a celebrity really
(94:19 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: just goes to sweet scientologist parties
(94:23 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: except for tom cruise
(94:26 / All) ChrisTandoi: die of hypothermia maybe
(94:29 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: that guy is retarded and probably really believe sit
(94:32 / All) ChrisTandoi: cos you have no hospitals in russia
(94:38 / All) timme_Zero: y y
(94:38 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: yeah but they've really destroyed that poor guy tho
(94:42 / All) timme_Zero: see u???
(94:54 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: i cant really feel bad for a guy who has more money than ill ever see
(95:05 / All) timme_Zero: come and see
(95:13 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: this guy insistig on me coming to russia
(95:17 / All) ChrisTandoi: i already said no what is wrong with u
(95:22 / All) ChrisTandoi: must we nuke u again ? ?
(95:22 / All) AndreasCarlson: are oyu gay, do you want me to be your boyfriend.
(95:29 / All) timme_Zero: just shut up
(95:30 / All) timme_Zero: :P:
(95:32 / All) timme_Zero: LOL
(95:39 / All) AndreasCarlson: just put alt +q +q
(95:50 / All) ChrisTandoi: just put alt multiplied by q multiplied by q
(95:53 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: What it actually is is just sort of, uh, you know, I think it's about philosophy and sort of, uh, all these kinds of,
(96:01 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: you know, ideals that are common to a lot of religions. . . . There's nothing fantastical
(96:13 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: that's nice that he doesn't know what scientology is atleast
(96:17 / All) ArtELFproF: u KISS MY MAMBER EVERY DAY
(96:22 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: hahaha
(96:26 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: haha
(96:27 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: ahaha
(96:35 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: this mad boreng
(96:38 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: im aboutto sleep
(96:39 / All) ChrisTandoi: put an egg in ur shoe... and beat it
(96:42 / All) timme_Zero: if we put button u kiss all member???
(96:50 / All) AndreasCarlson: yep
(96:54 / All) timme_Zero: LOL
(97:00 / All) timme_Zero: u blue
(97:01 / All) AndreasCarlson: ?
(97:03 / All) ChrisTandoi: go on & do it & see
(97:13 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: what did he say
(97:16 / All) ArtELFproF: u gomo
(97:19 / All) ChrisTandoi: 1, 2, buckle my shoe
(97:24 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: something about a button and kissing members
(97:33 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: he wants to know
(97:38 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: if they quit will we kiss their members
(97:39 / All) A]rTMa[N: U homosexual man go to psychiator
(97:44 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: oh
(97:51 / All) AndreasCarlson: nothing wrong with gay
(97:56 / All) AndreasCarlson: u ever taste dick?
(97:59 / All) ChrisTandoi: legalise gay marriage
(98:01 / All) AndreasCarlson: when it choke your throat...
(98:03 / All) AndreasCarlson: is good.l
(98:10 / All) timme_Zero: Shut up PLZ GEY
(98:25 / All) timme_Zero: sry gey's
(98:30 / All) A]rTMa[N: sry Gey'S
(98:36 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: yo give him a big long rant about him sucking your dick and then u embrace for approx 35 secs
(99:46 / All) ChrisTandoi: is everybody in russia gay?
(99:54 / All) ChrisTandoi: or only u 3?
(100:02 / All) timme_Zero: Lol
(100:04 / All) ArtELFproF: u beath
(100:10 / All) timme_Zero: u no see rus and say LOL
(100:23 / All) ChrisTandoi: have u stopped sucking dicks for money yet
(100:24 / All) ArtELFproF: сука корчое
(100:48 / All) timme_Zero: u
(101:38 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: we got revealezdzed
(102:05 / All) AndreasCarlson: *i slowly grasp ur belt and unbuckle it and slide my hand in ur pants.
(102:21 / All) ArtELFproF: come on
(102:24 / All) AndreasCarlson: *a voice in ur head tells u to go ahead, and u slowlyu open ur legs as i grab ur throbbing member*
(102:34 / All) AndreasCarlson: * it warm i say i know u say*
(102:44 / All) AndreasCarlson: i pull it on and i open my mouth and i gently suck on it
(102:56 / All) AndreasCarlson: then u thrust and moan and i start grabbing u and kissing u like crazy
(103:03 / All) AndreasCarlson: then i take my dick out and we jerk eachother off
(103:16 / All) ArtELFproF: ДА ВИДЕЛ
(103:16 / All) AndreasCarlson: i get close to climax and all of a sudden i release all over u
(103:26 / All) AndreasCarlson: i aim for ur chest but some get in ur mouth and ur eyes and ur hair
(103:31 / All) ArtELFproF: u masturbating?
(103:34 / All) AndreasCarlson: then u lick my asshole as i suck u off
(103:43 / All) AndreasCarlson: u explode in my mouth but i dont swallow
(103:58 / All) AndreasCarlson: i get up and start making out with u, we keep swapping back and forth for what seme like eternity
(104:03 / All) timme_Zero: LOL u suks
(104:07 / All) AndreasCarlson: we fall asleep with our dicks in each other hand
(104:14 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: was that good blinn
(104:17 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: hahaha
(104:19 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: so fucking good he left
(104:20 / Allies) ChrisTandoi: the game
(104:21 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: good enough to make him quit
(104:32 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: read that nigger a bedtime story
(104:35 / Allies) AndreasCarlson: he out like a light
(105:02 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: ? ;-)
(105:14 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: enshackle
(105:28 / All) A]rTMa[N: FUUU NOOOOOBS
(105:35 / Allies) ShaneRutherford: sending blade down