General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: ChiefSitsondix
map: Highperch
- players: 6
- length: 78:15
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.21 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(507 KB)
team 1 (winner)
BallsInMyMouth (
orange | 77 APM | 6022 actions | 78:14)
5 Pandaren Brewmaster
3 Breath of Fire
1 Drunken Haze
1 Drunken Brawler
3 Archmage
2 Blizzard
1 Brilliance Aura
1 Goblin Tinker
1 Pocket Factory
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 33 | |
Basic commands | 53 | |
Build / train | 136 | |
ESC pressed | 2 | |
Enter build submenu | 53 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 9 | |
Give item / drop item | 26 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 3154 | |
Select / deselect | 1009 | |
Select group hotkey | 1194 | |
Use ability | 348 | |
6022 total
» units
Peasant | 23 | |
Priest | 7 | |
Sorceress | 4 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 7 | |
41 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Sorceress Training | 2 | |
Priest Training | 2 | |
Backpack | 1 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
Swords | 3 | |
19 total
» buildings
Lumber Mill | 2 | |
Farm | 13 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 47 | |
Guard Tower | 18 | |
Arcane Tower | 11 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
101 total
» build order
00:09 Lumber Mill
00:16 Lumber Mill
00:28 Farm
00:58 Altar of Kings
01:19 Scout Tower
01:48 Guard Tower
01:49 Scout Tower
02:09 Farm
02:24 Guard Tower
02:28 Scout Tower
02:31 Scout Tower
02:37 Scout Tower
03:06 Arcane Tower
03:07 Guard Tower
03:08 Scout Tower
03:09 Scout Tower
03:39 Guard Tower
03:43 Arcane Tower
03:44 Guard Tower
03:45 Scout Tower
03:46 Scout Tower
03:53 Scout Tower
04:12 Farm
04:16 Guard Tower
04:33 Arcane Tower
04:51 Keep
05:10 Scout Tower
05:11 Scout Tower
05:38 Farm
05:42 Guard Tower
05:47 Arcane Tower
05:55 Scout Tower
05:56 Scout Tower
06:26 Arcane Tower
06:27 Guard Tower
07:36 Arcane Sanctum
08:19 Scout Tower
08:20 Scout Tower
09:09 Guard Tower
09:15 Scout Tower
09:19 Scout Tower
10:23 Town Hall
10:28 Scout Tower
10:29 Scout Tower
10:52 Farm
10:56 Arcane Tower
11:08 Scout Tower
11:09 Scout Tower
12:18 Scout Tower
12:19 Scout Tower
13:14 Guard Tower
13:25 Guard Tower
13:28 Scout Tower
13:29 Scout Tower
13:44 Guard Tower
14:37 Guard Tower
15:04 Castle
15:51 Arcane Vault
19:33 Scout Tower
19:36 Scout Tower
19:37 Scout Tower
19:37 Scout Tower
19:38 Scout Tower
19:39 Scout Tower
19:40 Scout Tower
20:50 Arcane Tower
20:52 Guard Tower
21:32 Guard Tower
21:35 Scout Tower
21:36 Scout Tower
21:36 Scout Tower
21:37 Scout Tower
21:37 Scout Tower
21:38 Scout Tower
22:50 Arcane Tower
22:52 Guard Tower
22:54 Scout Tower
22:55 Scout Tower
22:56 Scout Tower
22:56 Scout Tower
24:40 Guard Tower
27:40 Guard Tower
37:39 Gryphon Aviary
37:40 Gryphon Aviary
37:41 Barracks
37:43 Blacksmith
38:52 Farm
38:54 Farm
38:55 Farm
38:55 Farm
41:28 Farm
41:29 Farm
41:30 Farm
41:31 Farm
62:48 Scout Tower
63:42 Arcane Tower
64:18 Scout Tower
64:36 Scout Tower
65:03 Scout Tower
65:07 Arcane Tower
65:33 Arcane Tower
» items
Circlet of Nobility | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 3 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 2 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 2 | |
Scroll of Speed | 2 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 7 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 2 | |
Potion of Mana | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 2 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
Mechanical Critter | 5 | |
31 total
ChiefSitsondix (
green | 34 APM | 2668 actions | 78:15)
6 Blademaster
3 Wind Walk
2 Critical Strike
1 Bladestorm
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 51 | |
Basic commands | 45 | |
Build / train | 64 | |
ESC pressed | 8 | |
Enter build submenu | 28 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 6 | |
Give item / drop item | 8 | |
Right click | 1294 | |
Select / deselect | 437 | |
Select group hotkey | 479 | |
Use ability | 248 | |
2668 total
» units
Peon | 13 | |
Troll Batrider | 14 | |
Wind Rider | 4 | |
31 total
» upgrades
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 3 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Troll Regeneration | 1 | |
Envenomed Spears | 1 | |
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 6 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Stronghold | 1 | |
Watch Tower | 9 | |
Beastiary | 2 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 2 | |
Fortress | 1 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
24 total
» build order
00:09 Altar of Storms
00:19 Orc Burrow
00:32 War Mill
02:01 Stronghold
02:17 Orc Burrow
02:45 Watch Tower
02:47 Watch Tower
03:34 Watch Tower
03:56 Watch Tower
04:17 Watch Tower
04:23 Watch Tower
04:34 Beastiary
04:41 Watch Tower
04:43 Watch Tower
04:59 Voodoo Lounge
05:16 Watch Tower
05:52 Beastiary
07:29 Voodoo Lounge
09:05 Fortress
10:38 Orc Burrow
10:39 Orc Burrow
14:12 Barracks
23:14 Orc Burrow
23:15 Orc Burrow
» items
Boots of Speed | 4 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 2 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Potion of Mana | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 3 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
14 total
TastyManCarpet (
red | 86 APM | 6732 actions | 78:14)
6 Pandaren Brewmaster
3 Breath of Fire
2 Drunken Brawler
1 Storm Earth and Fire
6 Blood Mage
2 Flame Strike
3 Siphon Mana
1 Banish
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 28 | |
Basic commands | 146 | |
Build / train | 198 | |
ESC pressed | 2 | |
Enter build submenu | 95 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 13 | |
Give item / drop item | 23 | |
Remove unit from queue | 8 | |
Right click | 2954 | |
Select / deselect | 969 | |
Select group hotkey | 1866 | |
Use ability | 427 | |
6732 total
» units
Peasant | 39 | |
Priest | 8 | |
Sorceress | 3 | |
50 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Priest Training | 2 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Sorceress Training | 2 | |
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 5 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 105 | |
Arcane Tower | 15 | |
Guard Tower | 57 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Castle | 4 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
193 total
» build order
00:09 Altar of Kings
00:20 Farm
00:36 Lumber Mill
01:01 Farm
01:13 Scout Tower
01:19 Scout Tower
01:27 Scout Tower
01:40 Farm
01:46 Arcane Tower
01:46 Arcane Tower
01:53 Scout Tower
02:33 Scout Tower
02:34 Scout Tower
02:51 Guard Tower
02:53 Scout Tower
02:54 Scout Tower
03:38 Guard Tower
03:39 Guard Tower
03:39 Guard Tower
03:46 Scout Tower
03:47 Scout Tower
04:20 Guard Tower
04:21 Scout Tower
04:22 Scout Tower
04:25 Scout Tower
04:25 Scout Tower
04:59 Keep
05:02 Guard Tower
05:08 Scout Tower
05:42 Scout Tower
05:43 Scout Tower
05:44 Scout Tower
05:45 Guard Tower
05:45 Guard Tower
06:01 Guard Tower
06:12 Arcane Tower
06:33 Guard Tower
08:58 Guard Tower
08:58 Guard Tower
09:13 Guard Tower
09:17 Town Hall
09:27 Arcane Sanctum
09:31 Scout Tower
09:32 Scout Tower
09:36 Scout Tower
09:37 Scout Tower
10:02 Castle
10:02 Castle
10:02 Castle
10:13 Guard Tower
10:16 Arcane Tower
10:24 Arcane Tower
10:50 Farm
13:26 Scout Tower
13:26 Scout Tower
13:26 Scout Tower
13:28 Scout Tower
13:28 Scout Tower
15:35 Scout Tower
15:36 Scout Tower
15:36 Scout Tower
15:49 Arcane Vault
15:51 Guard Tower
16:21 Arcane Tower
16:33 Scout Tower
16:34 Scout Tower
16:36 Scout Tower
16:37 Scout Tower
16:37 Scout Tower
16:38 Scout Tower
16:39 Scout Tower
16:40 Scout Tower
17:47 Guard Tower
17:48 Guard Tower
18:29 Guard Tower
18:46 Arcane Tower
19:21 Scout Tower
19:46 Guard Tower
21:07 Scout Tower
21:08 Scout Tower
21:08 Scout Tower
21:08 Scout Tower
21:33 Scout Tower
21:33 Scout Tower
21:34 Scout Tower
21:35 Scout Tower
22:19 Guard Tower
22:19 Guard Tower
22:33 Guard Tower
22:33 Guard Tower
23:26 Scout Tower
23:27 Scout Tower
23:33 Scout Tower
23:34 Scout Tower
23:35 Scout Tower
23:37 Scout Tower
23:37 Scout Tower
23:38 Scout Tower
23:39 Scout Tower
23:39 Scout Tower
24:33 Guard Tower
24:33 Guard Tower
25:28 Scout Tower
25:29 Scout Tower
25:30 Scout Tower
25:43 Guard Tower
26:15 Guard Tower
26:59 Scout Tower
27:00 Guard Tower
28:25 Scout Tower
28:26 Scout Tower
28:26 Scout Tower
28:28 Scout Tower
29:29 Guard Tower
29:29 Guard Tower
29:53 Scout Tower
29:53 Scout Tower
29:54 Scout Tower
29:54 Scout Tower
30:21 Guard Tower
33:46 Farm
46:21 Scout Tower
46:25 Scout Tower
46:57 Guard Tower
47:00 Scout Tower
47:03 Scout Tower
47:09 Scout Tower
47:32 Guard Tower
47:34 Scout Tower
47:52 Guard Tower
47:58 Scout Tower
48:07 Scout Tower
48:08 Scout Tower
48:10 Guard Tower
48:10 Guard Tower
48:13 Scout Tower
48:15 Scout Tower
48:16 Scout Tower
48:28 Scout Tower
48:29 Scout Tower
48:33 Guard Tower
48:35 Scout Tower
48:36 Scout Tower
48:49 Guard Tower
48:49 Guard Tower
48:51 Scout Tower
48:56 Scout Tower
48:58 Scout Tower
48:59 Scout Tower
49:00 Guard Tower
49:01 Guard Tower
49:03 Guard Tower
49:06 Scout Tower
49:07 Scout Tower
49:08 Scout Tower
49:12 Scout Tower
49:13 Scout Tower
49:14 Scout Tower
49:27 Scout Tower
49:30 Guard Tower
49:30 Guard Tower
49:59 Scout Tower
50:21 Scout Tower
50:23 Guard Tower
50:23 Guard Tower
50:47 Guard Tower
50:47 Guard Tower
50:49 Scout Tower
51:00 Scout Tower
51:01 Scout Tower
51:07 Scout Tower
51:08 Scout Tower
51:25 Guard Tower
51:25 Guard Tower
51:56 Guard Tower
52:10 Guard Tower
62:43 Scout Tower
62:46 Scout Tower
63:14 Arcane Tower
63:14 Arcane Tower
63:16 Arcane Tower
63:16 Arcane Tower
63:17 Arcane Tower
» items
Orb of Lightning | 2 | |
Potion of Mana | 4 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 6 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 3 | |
Scroll of Speed | 2 | |
Boots of Speed | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 2 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 2 | |
Circlet of Nobility | 1 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 3 | |
Tiny Great Hall | 1 | |
Tome of Retraining | 1 | |
31 total
team 2 (loser)
hi-girl- (
blue | 68 APM | 5289 actions | 77:36)
7 Blademaster
3 Wind Walk
3 Critical Strike
1 Bladestorm
3 Pit Lord
2 Rain of Fire
1 Cleaving Attack
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 48 | |
Basic commands | 108 | |
Build / train | 111 | |
ESC pressed | 12 | |
Enter build submenu | 20 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 7 | |
Right click | 2556 | |
Select / deselect | 1099 | |
Select group hotkey | 929 | |
Use ability | 389 | |
5289 total
» units
Peon | 20 | |
Wind Rider | 5 | |
Troll Batrider | 16 | |
Tauren | 5 | |
Kodo Beast | 1 | |
Troll Witch Doctor | 3 | |
Raider | 11 | |
61 total
» upgrades
Envenomed Spears | 1 | |
Ranged Weapons | 1 | |
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
Armor | 1 | |
War Drums Damage Increase | 1 | |
Witch Doctor Training | 2 | |
Pulverize | 1 | |
Ensnare | 1 | |
Pillage | 1 | |
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 6 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 1 | |
Watch Tower | 3 | |
Stronghold | 5 | |
Fortress | 2 | |
Beastiary | 2 | |
Tauren Totem | 3 | |
Spirit Lodge | 2 | |
26 total
» build order
00:09 Altar of Storms
00:20 Orc Burrow
00:39 War Mill
01:18 Voodoo Lounge
02:03 Watch Tower
02:46 Stronghold
02:47 Stronghold
02:47 Stronghold
04:04 Watch Tower
04:04 Watch Tower
04:08 Orc Burrow
05:27 Fortress
05:34 Beastiary
05:36 Beastiary
05:55 Orc Burrow
05:56 Orc Burrow
13:27 Tauren Totem
13:28 Tauren Totem
13:28 Tauren Totem
13:39 Orc Burrow
13:40 Orc Burrow
14:02 Spirit Lodge
14:02 Spirit Lodge
» items
Scroll of Speed | 3 | |
Healing Salve | 5 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 4 | |
Potion of Healing | 2 | |
Rod of Necromancy | 1 | |
Dust of Appearance | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 2 | |
19 total
o-k- (
teal | 71 APM | 5443 actions | 77:09)
6 Blademaster
2 Wind Walk
3 Critical Strike
1 Bladestorm
2 Pit Lord
1 Rain of Fire
1 Howl of Terror
1 Pandaren Brewmaster
1 Breath of Fire
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 29 | |
Basic commands | 246 | |
Build / train | 119 | |
ESC pressed | 3 | |
Enter build submenu | 28 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 9 | |
Give item / drop item | 2 | |
Right click | 2731 | |
Select / deselect | 624 | |
Select group hotkey | 1424 | |
Use ability | 227 | |
5443 total
» units
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons | 3 | |
Burning Oil | 1 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
5 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 4 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 3 | |
Watch Tower | 15 | |
Stronghold | 4 | |
Barracks | 3 | |
Fortress | 2 | |
Great Hall | 1 | |
34 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Storms
00:20 Orc Burrow
00:51 War Mill
01:06 Voodoo Lounge
02:03 Watch Tower
02:35 Stronghold
02:36 Stronghold
02:36 Stronghold
02:36 Stronghold
03:49 Orc Burrow
03:57 Orc Burrow
04:35 Barracks
04:46 Barracks
04:55 Barracks
04:57 Fortress
04:57 Fortress
05:19 Orc Burrow
34:30 Great Hall
36:29 Voodoo Lounge
38:03 Watch Tower
38:04 Watch Tower
38:05 Watch Tower
38:06 Watch Tower
38:07 Watch Tower
38:08 Watch Tower
38:09 Watch Tower
38:11 Watch Tower
38:12 Watch Tower
38:12 Watch Tower
38:13 Watch Tower
38:14 Watch Tower
38:22 Voodoo Lounge
38:57 Watch Tower
38:57 Watch Tower
» items
Healing Salve | 6 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 8 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 14 | |
Tiny Great Hall | 9 | |
Scroll of Speed | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 2 | |
41 total
omg_q (
yellow | 95 APM | 7457 actions | 78:14)
7 Death Knight
3 Death Coil
3 Unholy Aura
1 Animate Dead
2 Pit Lord
1 Rain of Fire
1 Cleaving Attack
1 Pandaren Brewmaster
1 Breath of Fire
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 50 | |
Basic commands | 562 | |
Build / train | 90 | |
ESC pressed | 5 | |
Enter build submenu | 23 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Right click | 2819 | |
Select / deselect | 1072 | |
Select group hotkey | 2532 | |
Use ability | 291 | |
7457 total
» units
Acolyte | 24 | |
Ghoul | 3 | |
Crypt Fiend | 12 | |
Frost Wyrm | 6 | |
Meatwagon | 2 | |
Obsidian Statue | 2 | |
Gargoyle | 3 | |
52 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack | 1 | |
Burrow | 1 | |
Web | 1 | |
Freezing Breath | 1 | |
Destroyer Form | 1 | |
5 total
» buildings
Graveyard | 1 | |
Crypt | 1 | |
Altar of Darkness | 1 | |
Ziggurat | 9 | |
Tomb of Relics | 1 | |
Nerubian Tower | 1 | |
Spirit Tower | 6 | |
Halls of the Dead | 1 | |
Sacrificial Pit | 1 | |
Black Citadel | 1 | |
Boneyard | 2 | |
Slaughterhouse | 1 | |
26 total
» build order
00:13 Graveyard
00:20 Crypt
00:53 Altar of Darkness
01:03 Ziggurat
01:26 Tomb of Relics
02:06 Ziggurat
02:11 Nerubian Tower
03:00 Spirit Tower
03:00 Spirit Tower
06:38 Halls of the Dead
06:51 Ziggurat
07:59 Ziggurat
11:33 Sacrificial Pit
11:35 Black Citadel
11:48 Ziggurat
13:58 Boneyard
14:02 Boneyard
14:16 Spirit Tower
14:16 Spirit Tower
14:47 Ziggurat
16:25 Ziggurat
16:38 Ziggurat
21:37 Ziggurat
23:05 Slaughterhouse
» items
Rod of Necromancy | 6 | |
Dust of Appearance | 1 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 1 | |
9 total
Chat log
(00:03 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: ugh
(00:05 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: gard feed
(00:06 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: garg feed m
(00:13 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: getting a pranda
(00:16 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: Ok
(00:20 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: bases or chkes>?
(00:23 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: chokes
(00:24 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: chokes
(00:29 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: gob dont tower
(00:31 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: and dont feed
(00:31 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: ughhhhhhh
(00:32 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: just tech
(00:40 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: okay
(00:42 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: ill slow tech and feed u for bats
(00:54 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: frosty can jerk off or whatever
(01:32 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: ill go panda too
(01:36 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: control for me
(01:36 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: alrite
(01:43 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: what about pranda >;]
(02:21 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: lets harrass
(02:27 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: get a shop gob
(02:29 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: for clarities
(02:40 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: towe base a lil
(02:48 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: ud
(02:57 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: haha
(02:59 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: he didn't tech
(03:00 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: gg
(03:15 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: fiends lol
(04:02 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: need shop gob
(04:10 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: hehe
(04:48 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: ha;f dead bm
(05:15 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: lol
(06:09 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: hey
(06:13 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: i bought it
(06:20 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: omw to creep
(06:35 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: also really lolling at no garg feed
(06:36 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: I'm making 1 bat!!!
(07:24 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: oh god
(07:35 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: fuk that
(07:41 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: im geting raped so hard
(07:52 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: christ
(07:54 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: this shit
(08:36 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: this is soooo gay
(08:48 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: god
(08:55 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: truesight is up its ok now
(09:03 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: i got no wood
(09:05 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: havent had any all game
(11:13 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: hahaha
(11:14 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: fuck
(11:14 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: oh
(11:15 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: god
(11:44 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: owned
(12:18 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: second bm inside da walls
(12:26 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: hes got no buildling tho
(12:30 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: bats
(13:53 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: seriously lol at this game
(13:55 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: aye
(13:56 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: he didn't even kill your main?
(14:03 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: nop
(14:09 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: christ
(14:15 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: expensive fail
(14:19 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: yeah
(16:02 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: free slipper
(16:25 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: TAUREN
(16:27 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: oh fuk
(16:47 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: gfg
(17:02 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: not my scout tower
(17:40 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: welp
(18:21 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: ughhhhhhhhh
(18:51 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: are we going to just stay on land
(18:55 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: or do we feel like perching
(18:55 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: we should perch
(19:00 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: i dont really feel like it
(19:06 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: orc doesn't have anything that can touch air
(19:13 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: ya so its pointless
(19:18 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: err
(19:20 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: touch perch
(19:29 / All) TastyManCarpet: yes
(19:30 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: alrite
(19:37 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: i dont want to but u guys can i guessss
(19:43 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: gonna take forever tho and we already won
(19:46 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: too late buffing up my side
(19:50 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: good
(20:33 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: oh come on
(20:56 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: hella gay
(21:28 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: more towerS?
(21:31 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: aye
(22:46 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: just gonna bat an expo
(23:21 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: fuk
(25:26 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: shades now too
(25:48 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: grabbin me boots ns taff
(26:13 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: lol
(27:27 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: christ
(27:31 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: ensnare is fun
(27:53 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: durrrrr
(27:54 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: awesome
(28:38 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: FUCK OFF
(28:59 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: crit at the end of ensnare combined with staff not doing shit
(29:01 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: c o o l
(30:12 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: nice wind riders.
(30:16 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: thanks
(30:23 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: god you're a nub
(33:07 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: lmao
(33:30 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: silly
(33:31 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: welp.
(33:31 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: imo
(33:41 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: i didnt see the raiders when i sacnned
(35:20 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: fucking lag
(35:27 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: im lagging hard
(35:34 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: welp
(36:55 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: haha
(36:58 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: god
(37:01 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: fuck this
(37:10 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: we may need to perch
(38:19 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: gimme a sanc staff I'll get the tinker
(38:22 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: 3 pitlords
(38:57 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: they dont have any gold fyi
(41:13 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: I gotta pee real bad
(41:19 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: u can pee
(41:22 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: then go pee..
(41:32 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: afk den
(41:52 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: haha what
(42:00 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: we are nearly through that side lets try the other
(42:03 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: no
(42:07 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: he saw me going to hit expo
(42:08 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: invis
(42:10 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: oh
(42:51 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: okay what did I miss?
(42:58 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: n/m
(43:00 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: me losing heroes
(43:18 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: rdy 2 perch
(43:25 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: who builds?
(43:33 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: ive got hawktech
(43:33 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: not u
(43:38 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: since u went upkeep noob
(43:47 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: my mine was out so
(43:49 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: ill make toers i guess
(43:50 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: I can always suicide
(43:55 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: nice strat
(44:08 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: like that
(44:13 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: yes
(44:37 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: tinker is up
(44:39 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: waiting for bm
(44:42 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: so i can ft
(44:43 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: yah
(44:43 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: fs
(46:32 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: hehe
(46:34 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: can't afford tp
(46:56 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: worth it to kill peons down to 50
(47:02 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: so I can get some gold
(47:10 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: or
(47:13 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: so
(47:14 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: stupid
(47:14 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: my dude can die
(47:17 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: gold please
(47:18 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: bm is a far better choice
(47:32 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: get a couple of peons up
(47:36 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: kill teh tinker
(47:38 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: yeah I got 4
(49:40 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: are we going to defend this for a bit
(49:45 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: or just let them slowly kill it
(49:54 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: w/e
(49:56 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: imma stay
(50:08 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: i have a feeling im going to end up without heroes
(50:10 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: if i defend
(50:17 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: I'm gonna let it die
(50:17 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: thats fine
(50:27 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: should I kill the shit in my base?
(50:39 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: should I make beasts on the perch?
(50:43 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: no
(50:43 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: nope
(50:49 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: we dont have the gold or room for it
(50:55 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: oh
(50:59 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: we are v. broke
(51:01 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: ic
(51:07 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: should I kill the shit in my base
(51:09 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: nm too late
(51:54 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: do we got critters on the ground?
(52:01 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: we should
(52:31 / All) ChiefSitsondix: hf gl
(52:45 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: god critters come back faster
(53:15 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: 20 to lvl 5
(53:45 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: ps 16 hawks
(53:46 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: 3-3
(53:48 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: w o o t
(53:58 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: ps lvl 5 panda
(54:01 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: good
(54:59 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: am bm so much better stoping that shit
(55:59 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: all those fiends and tauren ain't gonna help capturin a perch
(56:08 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: 5 critters
(56:10 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: all pigs
(56:31 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: got em all hotkeyed
(56:34 / All) TastyManCarpet: omg we lose..|
(56:34 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: me
(56:35 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: too
(56:36 / All) TastyManCarpet: fuycking imba
(56:40 / All) TastyManCarpet: orc so gay
(57:00 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: lets see how many wyrms we can kill with towers
(57:01 / All) ChiefSitsondix: I told you you can't beat units with towers
(57:46 / All) BallsInMyMouth: Welcome to High Perch, enjoy your stay
(57:52 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: deny towers
(58:01 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: itam
(58:21 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: +3 str
(58:31 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: this gonna take them so long
(58:34 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: lollin
(58:35 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: yes
(58:41 / All) BallsInMyMouth: it looks like its going to take you a while to get through those towers
(58:58 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: lolool
(58:59 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: lole
(59:02 / All) TastyManCarpet: dang
(59:04 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: lol and the bm had to tp away
(59:05 / All) TastyManCarpet: maybe we do win eheheh
(59:27 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: go
(59:28 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: you nub
(59:29 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: they got mad wards atm
(59:29 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: UGH
(59:35 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: wyrm down
(59:38 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: lol
(59:39 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: 2 lords down
(59:41 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: and another pitlord
(59:47 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: plus I got no pot of invuln or tp
(59:49 / All) TastyManCarpet: lol gg we win lol
(60:04 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: how do you stay stupid in chink
(60:04 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: they lost a wyrm?
(60:08 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: yah
(60:10 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: down to 1
(60:14 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: ha
(60:15 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: i dont think they can take the perch
(60:18 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: nope
(60:24 / All) BallsInMyMouth: how much gold do you guys have left over?
(60:30 / All) ChiefSitsondix: I got 334
(60:33 / All) TastyManCarpet: CUANTOS DINEROS
(60:34 / All) BallsInMyMouth: b/c you may not want to revive those pitlords
(60:42 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: he got a panda
(60:45 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: brilliant
(60:46 / All) TastyManCarpet: copycat
(60:48 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: lol
(60:54 / All) BallsInMyMouth: 425 gold well spent
(60:59 / All) BallsInMyMouth: you wont be regretting that
(61:36 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: hahaha nother panda
(61:52 / All) BallsInMyMouth: maybe you could build some siege?
(62:02 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: they are buying more items and heroes
(62:05 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: they cant be too broke
(62:10 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: another
(62:11 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: wyrm
(62:12 / All) BallsInMyMouth: o shit gg, we lose
(62:13 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: lmao
(62:26 / All) TastyManCarpet: gg
(62:30 / All) BallsInMyMouth: uh oh
(62:32 / All) TastyManCarpet: hide n seek LOL
(62:40 / All) ChiefSitsondix: ust wait for the reveal
(62:44 / All) ChiefSitsondix: it'l be fast
(63:04 / All) TastyManCarpet: 2 minutes..and counting..
(63:06 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: they don't have any air units I don't think
(63:10 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: orp gold
(63:26 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: two staffs
(63:34 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: nice
(63:36 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: 1 ded am
(63:42 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: sell all
(63:43 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: imo
(64:05 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: way 2 go noop
(64:05 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: do they still got shades?
(64:08 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: shhh
(64:09 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: yah
(64:45 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: oooo
(64:50 / All) TastyManCarpet: hello
(64:57 / All) BallsInMyMouth: you will need a few more than that
(65:08 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: ha
(65:11 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: what just happpend
(65:13 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: two bats
(65:13 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: ded
(65:15 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: on towas
(65:16 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: lol
(65:16 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: brb
(65:20 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: woot
(65:22 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: gonna figure out what i want for dinner
(65:32 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: prob. some dicks
(65:55 / All) omg_q: -.-
(66:00 / All) ChiefSitsondix: ';,,,,,,,;'
(66:25 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: this is going to take forever t t
(66:46 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: chinese
(66:51 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: hi-girl-
(66:53 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: Orc: 594 278 68.12 %
(67:27 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: ok is 15-2
(67:30 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: the other is
(67:30 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: Undead: 157 106 59.70 %
(67:39 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: they're ranked 127th in 3s
(67:45 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: woot
(67:57 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: owned & pwned
(68:00 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: as they say on east
(68:04 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: wow
(68:07 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: pumping stuff
(68:11 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: i didnt thik they would have gold
(68:22 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: I'd like to know what it is
(69:21 / All) ChiefSitsondix: w000t
(69:32 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: still building????????????????????????//
(69:37 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: maybe hes at max food
(69:39 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: he
(69:41 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: hehe
(69:49 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: insta shakle will be lol
(69:54 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: nothing takes that long to build
(69:58 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: he's got 70 food at least
(70:17 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: da fuk
(70:19 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: kodos?\
(70:24 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: no
(70:27 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: hes at food limit
(70:29 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: of some kind
(70:30 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: ah
(70:53 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: which is only 70 food in his case
(71:10 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: haha
(71:12 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: they perching the other side?
(71:19 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: k
(71:23 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: no hero spots left
(71:27 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: gargs
(72:07 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: kill the shade?
(72:12 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: i thought it would be a ward
(72:47 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: where are all the raiders n shit
(72:50 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: no idea
(73:33 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: i think they might be afk
(73:39 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: seems that way
(73:51 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: how much army they got
(74:11 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: seems pretty afk
(74:37 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: see
(74:40 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: wyvs are nice
(75:38 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: wheres blues army
(75:54 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: lets hit that
(75:57 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: def.
(76:10 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: its only ud with 9 or so fiends at his base
(76:19 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: scan plz
(76:25 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: oops
(76:28 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: thanks
(76:29 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: for
(76:30 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: using
(76:30 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: my
(76:31 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: scan
(76:34 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: tt
(76:45 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: u haze
(76:46 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: i bof
(77:03 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: hahaha
(77:05 / Allies) ChiefSitsondix: oh damn
(77:07 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: pro
(77:08 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: god you're awful
(77:09 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: hes afk
(77:18 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: 6 panda
(77:23 / Allies) BallsInMyMouth: halfway to 6
(77:28 / Allies) TastyManCarpet: all the way to noob
(77:39 / All) ChiefSitsondix: 2ez
(77:46 / All) BallsInMyMouth: 2 e z
(77:50 / All) BallsInMyMouth: good choice with those pandas