details: 'Clowntressowns'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
NightElfCORRUPTEDEVIL (purple | 99 APM | 3352 actions | 33:55)
Hero icon 4 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 2 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 2 Drunken Haze

» actions
Assign group hotkey136
Basic commands19
Build / train73
ESC pressed2
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue1
Right click1333
Select / deselect437
Select group hotkey1191
Use ability132
3352 total
» units
49 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon1
Moon Armor1
3 total
» buildings
Moon Well4
Altar of Elders1
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War3
Tree of Life8
17 total
» build order
00:20 Moon Well
00:25 Altar of Elders
02:09 Hunter's Hall
02:10 Ancient of War
02:14 Ancient of War
02:35 Ancient of War
03:03 Moon Well
04:00 Moon Well
06:40 Tree of Life
08:41 Moon Well
13:31 Tree of Life
16:38 Tree of Life
22:55 Tree of Life
22:58 Tree of Life
26:28 Tree of Life
26:30 Tree of Life
28:01 Tree of Life
» items
Scroll of Town Portal6
Scroll of Protection2
Scroll of Healing2
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability2
Dust of Appearance1
Orb of Corruption1
15 total
NightElfmonKEYspanKING (orange | 90 APM | 3061 actions | 33:55)
Hero icon 6 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 3 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 3 Drunken Haze

» actions
Assign group hotkey51
Basic commands83
Build / train68
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Right click1803
Select / deselect353
Select group hotkey587
Use ability88
3061 total
» units
48 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon1
Improved Bows1
Abolish Magic1
Moon Armor1
4 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well6
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War2
Tree of Ages1
Tree of Life5
Ancient of Lore2
Ancient of Wonders1
Ancient Protector1
20 total
» build order
00:41 Altar of Elders
00:55 Moon Well
02:11 Hunter's Hall
02:17 Ancient of War
02:46 Ancient of War
03:25 Moon Well
03:44 Moon Well
04:29 Moon Well
06:20 Moon Well
11:33 Tree of Ages
14:22 Tree of Life
17:02 Ancient of Lore
17:03 Ancient of Lore
17:55 Tree of Life
19:08 Moon Well
20:43 Ancient of Wonders
21:27 Ancient Protector
24:27 Tree of Life
31:21 Tree of Life
31:27 Tree of Life
» items
Scroll of Town Portal3
Scroll of Protection2
Scroll of Healing2
7 total
UndeadSTFU_NOOBELF (red | 72 APM | 2443 actions | 33:55)
Hero icon 6 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Ability icon 1 Animate Dead
Hero icon 5 Lich
Ability icon 3 Frost Nova
Ability icon 2 Dark Ritual
Hero icon 4 Crypt Lord
Ability icon 2 Impale
Ability icon 2 Spiked Carapace

» actions
Assign group hotkey166
Basic commands19
Build / train64
Enter build submenu16
Enter hero's abilities submenu16
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue1
Right click1298
Select / deselect353
Select group hotkey419
Use ability89
2443 total
» units
Crypt Fiend8
Frost Wyrm6
26 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace3
Freezing Breath1
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
Spirit Tower1
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
17 total
» build order
00:06 Graveyard
00:07 Crypt
00:18 Ziggurat
00:22 Altar of Darkness
00:57 Tomb of Relics
01:24 Ziggurat
02:24 Ziggurat
03:47 Halls of the Dead
04:22 Spirit Tower
06:15 Black Citadel
07:21 Sacrificial Pit
09:42 Boneyard
09:43 Boneyard
09:45 Boneyard
10:07 Ziggurat
10:10 Ziggurat
11:35 Ziggurat
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Dust of Appearance2
Scroll of Town Portal4
Orb of Corruption1
Potion of Mana1
9 total
NightElfYeahShesAssBATS (green | 69 APM | 2334 actions | 33:55)
Hero icon 4 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 2 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 2 Drunken Haze

» actions
Assign group hotkey11
Basic commands167
Build / train104
ESC pressed6
Enter build submenu34
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Right click1280
Select / deselect562
Select group hotkey44
Use ability122
2334 total
» units
92 total
» upgrades
Abolish Magic1
Strength of the Wild1
2 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders2
Moon Well5
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War3
Tree of Life3
Tree of Ages1
Ancient of Lore4
Ancient Protector11
Ancient of Wonders2
32 total
» build order
00:04 Altar of Elders
00:05 Moon Well
02:05 Hunter's Hall
02:07 Ancient of War
02:09 Ancient of War
02:31 Moon Well
02:47 Moon Well
08:00 Tree of Life
08:06 Ancient of War
12:55 Tree of Ages
14:39 Moon Well
15:36 Ancient of Lore
16:16 Ancient of Lore
18:05 Tree of Life
18:24 Altar of Elders
22:13 Ancient Protector
22:14 Ancient Protector
22:16 Ancient Protector
22:25 Ancient of Wonders
22:35 Ancient of Wonders
24:30 Ancient Protector
25:21 Moon Well
25:25 Ancient Protector
25:27 Ancient Protector
25:29 Ancient Protector
25:47 Ancient Protector
26:20 Ancient of Lore
26:26 Ancient of Lore
26:42 Ancient Protector
27:01 Tree of Life
28:47 Ancient Protector
28:48 Ancient Protector
» items
Scroll of Town Portal4
4 total
team 2
UndeadllllllllllllllD (blue | 75 APM | 2159 actions | 28:58)
Hero icon 5 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 1 Lich
Ability icon 1 Frost Nova

» actions
Assign group hotkey51
Basic commands1
Build / train97
ESC pressed9
Enter build submenu35
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Right click1172
Select / deselect283
Select group hotkey370
Use ability135
2159 total
» units
Crypt Fiend15
Frost Wyrm2
48 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack2
Creature Carapace1
Ghoul Frenzy1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower1
Halls of the Dead3
Spirit Tower12
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
47 total
» build order
00:41 Graveyard
00:45 Crypt
00:49 Ziggurat
00:57 Altar of Darkness
01:13 Ziggurat
01:28 Tomb of Relics
02:02 Nerubian Tower
04:34 Ziggurat
06:12 Halls of the Dead
06:34 Spirit Tower
07:22 Necropolis
07:35 Ziggurat
08:59 Spirit Tower
10:01 Ziggurat
10:12 Ziggurat
10:15 Ziggurat
10:17 Ziggurat
11:07 Spirit Tower
11:08 Spirit Tower
11:08 Spirit Tower
11:09 Spirit Tower
11:52 Halls of the Dead
12:31 Necropolis
12:42 Spirit Tower
15:39 Ziggurat
16:24 Halls of the Dead
16:34 Spirit Tower
17:40 Ziggurat
17:42 Necropolis
17:52 Ziggurat
17:54 Ziggurat
17:55 Ziggurat
17:58 Ziggurat
19:37 Spirit Tower
19:48 Spirit Tower
19:48 Spirit Tower
19:56 Spirit Tower
20:24 Black Citadel
20:28 Sacrificial Pit
22:25 Ziggurat
22:26 Ziggurat
22:28 Ziggurat
22:30 Ziggurat
22:36 Ziggurat
22:49 Boneyard
23:04 Boneyard
24:06 Slaughterhouse
» items
Rod of Necromancy3
Scroll of Town Portal3
Potion of Healing2
Potion of Mana2
10 total
NightElfMUGARO (yellow | 77 APM | 2242 actions | 28:56)
Hero icon 5 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 3 Trueshot Aura
Ability icon 2 Scout

» actions
Assign group hotkey25
Basic commands79
Build / train67
ESC pressed5
Enter build submenu34
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Give item / drop item1
Right click1166
Select / deselect515
Select group hotkey268
Use ability77
2242 total
» units
49 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon1
Moon Armor1
Strength of the Wild2
Reinforced Hides2
Nature's Blessing1
Abolish Magic1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well5
Ancient of War4
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Ages1
Tree of Life7
Ancient of Lore3
Ancient Protector1
23 total
» build order
00:11 Altar of Elders
00:20 Moon Well
01:23 Ancient of War
01:28 Hunter's Hall
01:39 Ancient of War
01:45 Ancient of War
01:49 Moon Well
02:06 Ancient of War
02:19 Moon Well
02:31 Moon Well
05:49 Moon Well
07:47 Tree of Ages
09:46 Tree of Life
11:54 Ancient of Lore
11:58 Ancient of Lore
13:11 Ancient of Lore
15:24 Tree of Life
15:26 Tree of Life
16:05 Ancient Protector
18:05 Tree of Life
18:20 Tree of Life
18:39 Tree of Life
25:02 Tree of Life
» items
Scroll of Town Portal2
Rod of Necromancy1
3 total
OrcPAX (teal | 42 APM | 1226 actions | 28:59)
Hero icon 4 Blademaster
Ability icon 2 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike

» actions
Assign group hotkey1
Build / train23
Enter build submenu4
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Right click1014
Select / deselect130
Use ability50
1226 total
» units
12 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow1
Voodoo Lounge1
Great Hall1
4 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Storms
00:10 Orc Burrow
01:27 Voodoo Lounge
08:29 Great Hall
» items
Healing Salve2
Lesser Clarity Potion3
Scroll of Speed1
6 total
Undeadx]1 (pink | 153 APM | 5184 actions | 33:54)
Hero icon 6 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Ability icon 1 Death Pact
Hero icon 6 Lich
Ability icon 3 Frost Nova
Ability icon 2 Dark Ritual
Ability icon 1 Death and Decay
Hero icon 4 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 2 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 2 Drunken Haze

» actions
Assign group hotkey38
Basic commands108
Build / train80
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu15
Give item / drop item6
Remove unit from queue1
Right click1823
Select / deselect471
Select group hotkey2465
Use ability155
5184 total
» units
Crypt Fiend7
Obsidian Statue3
Frost Wyrm5
26 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Destroyer Form1
Creature Carapace2
Freezing Breath1
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower1
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
24 total
» build order
00:12 Graveyard
00:17 Crypt
00:44 Altar of Darkness
00:52 Ziggurat
01:42 Tomb of Relics
01:51 Ziggurat
02:25 Nerubian Tower
03:47 Halls of the Dead
04:20 Ziggurat
04:43 Ziggurat
06:24 Slaughterhouse
09:44 Black Citadel
10:31 Sacrificial Pit
10:53 Ziggurat
10:54 Ziggurat
11:32 Necropolis
12:18 Boneyard
12:21 Boneyard
13:38 Boneyard
22:07 Ziggurat
22:07 Ziggurat
23:05 Ziggurat
23:07 Ziggurat
23:14 Ziggurat
» items
Rod of Necromancy6
Potion of Healing3
Scroll of Town Portal7
Scroll of Healing3
Orb of Corruption1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
21 total

Chat log

(00:14 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: 2010 BABY
(00:17 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: lies
(00:24 / All) STFU_NOOBELF:
(00:24 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: GG
(00:26 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: whos on pax
(00:30 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: toystory 2 was OK
(00:35 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: strange
(00:37 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: things are happin to me
(00:39 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: dududuudududu
(00:40 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: strange
(00:42 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: things
(00:46 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: Hi Mugaro
(00:50 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: strange things are happin to me
(00:50 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: I have pictures of you in my bedroom
(00:55 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: aint no doubt about it
(01:10 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: hi josh
(01:11 / All) x]1: CLOWN
(01:17 / All) x]1: YOU WONT ALT QQ FOR ME?
(01:33 / All) x]1: TWO TIMES TO MUCH?
(01:41 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: x]1...... YOUR FAKE
(01:50 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: drew!
(01:55 / All) x]1: YOU ARE CORRECT
(02:47 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: pax u
(03:13 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: grubby wouldve lost nothing
(03:18 / All) llllllllllllllD: honestly clown the fact that you think this strat works
(03:20 / All) llllllllllllllD: is sad
(03:32 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: who r u
(03:47 / All) llllllllllllllD: better than you
(03:52 / All) llllllllllllllD: go back to the fucking circus
(03:53 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: ?:(
(04:04 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: steve irwin died a year ago today
(04:11 / All) llllllllllllllD: good ridance to that nigger
(04:17 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: he was australian tho
(05:15 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: why do i never get to feed drew
(05:21 / All) llllllllllllllD: cuz you suck at it
(05:24 / All) llllllllllllllD: you go afk
(05:26 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: :(
(05:28 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: Shut up alex
(05:33 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: lol
(06:22 / All) llllllllllllllD: i only speak the truth clown

(09:00 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: this is appalation state vs mich all over again
(09:05 / All) llllllllllllllD: pfft
(09:08 / All) llllllllllllllD: shut up nab
(09:22 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: NO U
(09:27 / All) llllllllllllllD: plz nigger
(09:48 / All) llllllllllllllD: dont use phrases that you didnt make
(09:54 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: no u
(10:07 / All) monKEYspanKING: don't all you guys do is speak and act like mugaro?
(10:12 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: its true
(10:18 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: they kiss his ass ~_~
(10:30 / All) MUGARO: smerbeck said that?
(10:38 / All) monKEYspanKING: well is true
(10:44 / All) MUGARO: how the hell would someone who doesnt know me say that
(10:56 / All) MUGARO: thats like me saying you all are trying to fuck gina
(10:59 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: hes been on your vent
(11:02 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: well its true
(11:03 / All) MUGARO: i know nothing about you but thats true
(11:05 / All) MUGARO: bad example
(11:05 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: oh my god
(11:08 / All) MUGARO: no he hasnt
(11:13 / All) MUGARO: ive never talked to smerb on vent
(11:19 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: well
(11:22 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: hes been banned there
(11:22 / All) MUGARO: well what
(11:24 / All) MUGARO: dumbass
(11:39 / All) MUGARO: ive never talked to smerb on vent so his insight is horseshit
(12:05 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: leave
(12:09 / All) llllllllllllllD: shut up nigger
(12:18 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: NO U
(12:51 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: i come from the darkness of the pit k thx
(12:57 / All) llllllllllllllD: plz nigger
(12:59 / Allies) YeahShesAssBATS: oh raped
(13:01 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: oh raped
(13:03 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: tower up moar plz
(13:11 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: holy crap!~
(13:16 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: tower up!!1
(13:17 / All) llllllllllllllD: plz
(14:04 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: corrupted devil owns u
(14:15 / All) llllllllllllllD: lol hes a worthless clown and will be the end of his days
(14:23 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: shut up
(14:24 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: tt
(14:25 / All) llllllllllllllD: his strat is shitty too
(14:30 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: it just raped you
(14:31 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: actually
(14:34 / All) llllllllllllllD: lool
(14:36 / All) llllllllllllllD: k
(14:46 / All) llllllllllllllD: make believe that it works
(15:12 / All) llllllllllllllD: if clown wins its all luck or he gets carried

(18:01 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: the wonders of dbl clicking my tp
(18:34 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: cancel drew
(19:26 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: noob
(19:33 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: lol

(23:39 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: nice
(23:45 / All) llllllllllllllD: SHUT NIGGER
(23:48 / All) llllllllllllllD: YOUR FUCKING FILTH
(23:54 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: llick my ballz
(23:57 / All) llllllllllllllD: K
(24:00 / All) llllllllllllllD: PULL EM BIG BOY
(24:01 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: no u

(25:47 / All) llllllllllllllD: i love how red talks likes good when he got tri fed like a dumb mexican
(25:53 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: tri fed?
(25:57 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: no u did
(26:01 / All) llllllllllllllD: no
(26:03 / All) llllllllllllllD: there was no feeding
(26:05 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: U
(26:05 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: NOOB
(26:06 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: STFU
(26:07 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: DIE
(26:08 / All) llllllllllllllD: lol
(26:09 / All) llllllllllllllD: k nigger
(26:11 / All) llllllllllllllD: who fed?
(26:12 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: NO U
(26:26 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: fucking jewish towerer
(26:37 / All) llllllllllllllD: shut it nigger
(26:45 / All) llllllllllllllD: fucking say we fed
(26:49 / All) llllllllllllllD: we had no feeder
(26:53 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: dead nigger master
(27:34 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: LOL!
(27:36 / All) llllllllllllllD: fucking right click ud
(27:37 / All) llllllllllllllD: lol
(27:40 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: NO U
(27:45 / All) llllllllllllllD: i love how your talking trash
(28:00 / All) llllllllllllllD: arent you cleve
(28:00 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: roger you're good
(28:10 / All) MUGARO: roger?
(28:29 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: corr beats drew lol
(28:32 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: i have a headache
(28:38 / All) MUGARO: stranger things have happened
(28:41 / All) llllllllllllllD: lol plz nigger your lucky we didnt tp to save me earlier
(28:48 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: shut up jewbag
(28:53 / All) llllllllllllllD: only thing that lost us this game right there
(28:56 / All) llllllllllllllD: k noobfuck
(29:00 / All) monKEYspanKING: gg
(29:00 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: i fucking right click better then u
(29:25 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: chiner
(29:28 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: you're mean
(29:31 / All) x]1: hAI
(29:37 / All) CORRUPTEDEVIL: i still love you
(29:37 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: chode ownz u
(30:22 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: nuke my panda
(30:23 / All) YeahShesAssBATS: :(
(30:38 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: |uproot yellow tree lol
(31:18 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: aps>pandar

(33:47 / All) x]1: GG
(33:53 / All) STFU_NOOBELF: by