General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: cum.2ez
map: SunrockCove
- players: 6
- length: 94:09
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.21 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(568 KB)
team 1 (winner)
bia-bia-bia (
teal | 57 APM | 5385 actions | 94:08)
7 Blademaster
3 Wind Walk
3 Critical Strike
1 Bladestorm
5 Tauren Chieftain
2 Endurance Aura
3 Shockwave
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 38 | |
Basic commands | 77 | |
Build / train | 136 | |
ESC pressed | 7 | |
Enter build submenu | 84 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 12 | |
Give item / drop item | 9 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 3091 | |
Select / deselect | 1053 | |
Select group hotkey | 455 | |
Use ability | 421 | |
5385 total
» units
Peon | 27 | |
Grunt | 3 | |
Goblin Zeppelin | 1 | |
Troll Batrider | 52 | |
83 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons | 2 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
Liquid Fire | 1 | |
Armor | 1 | |
Troll Regeneration | 1 | |
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 2 | |
Orc Burrow | 10 | |
War Mill | 3 | |
Watch Tower | 53 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 3 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Stronghold | 2 | |
Great Hall | 2 | |
Beastiary | 5 | |
Fortress | 1 | |
82 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Storms
00:17 Orc Burrow
00:38 War Mill
01:53 Watch Tower
01:55 Watch Tower
02:09 Orc Burrow
02:48 Voodoo Lounge
03:07 Watch Tower
03:08 Watch Tower
04:03 Barracks
04:11 Watch Tower
04:14 Watch Tower
04:21 Stronghold
05:09 Watch Tower
05:25 Watch Tower
05:31 Watch Tower
05:57 Great Hall
06:08 Watch Tower
06:30 Watch Tower
06:38 Watch Tower
07:01 Watch Tower
08:04 Watch Tower
08:07 Orc Burrow
08:22 Beastiary
08:26 Beastiary
09:05 Beastiary
09:08 Fortress
09:21 Watch Tower
09:26 Orc Burrow
10:21 Watch Tower
10:26 Watch Tower
11:29 Watch Tower
11:53 Watch Tower
12:02 War Mill
12:40 Watch Tower
12:53 Watch Tower
13:07 Voodoo Lounge
13:44 Watch Tower
14:20 Watch Tower
14:54 Watch Tower
14:57 Watch Tower
16:53 Watch Tower
16:55 Watch Tower
17:59 Watch Tower
18:01 Watch Tower
18:51 Watch Tower
18:54 Watch Tower
20:07 Watch Tower
20:09 Watch Tower
21:32 Watch Tower
21:34 Watch Tower
22:54 Watch Tower
22:56 Watch Tower
24:37 Orc Burrow
24:39 Orc Burrow
25:33 Orc Burrow
26:50 War Mill
27:17 Great Hall
27:41 Voodoo Lounge
29:14 Watch Tower
31:39 Watch Tower
32:12 Watch Tower
33:14 Watch Tower
33:38 Stronghold
34:37 Watch Tower
35:21 Watch Tower
36:00 Beastiary
36:01 Beastiary
36:08 Altar of Storms
36:30 Watch Tower
37:19 Orc Burrow
39:03 Watch Tower
40:16 Watch Tower
40:18 Watch Tower
41:25 Watch Tower
41:28 Watch Tower
42:43 Watch Tower
42:46 Watch Tower
48:59 Watch Tower
51:01 Watch Tower
59:26 Orc Burrow
59:31 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve | 5 | |
Dust of Appearance | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 5 | |
Orb of Lightning | 2 | |
Boots of Speed | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 2 | |
Mechanical Critter | 10 | |
Tiny Great Hall | 1 | |
28 total
cum.2ez (
orange | 81 APM | 7660 actions | 94:09)
7 Archmage
3 Blizzard
3 Brilliance Aura
1 Mass Teleport
6 Blood Mage
3 Flame Strike
2 Banish
1 Summon Phoenix
8 Naga Sea Witch
1 Mana Shield
3 Frost Arrows
3 Forked Lightning
1 Tornado
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 22 | |
Basic commands | 160 | |
Build / train | 222 | |
ESC pressed | 19 | |
Enter build submenu | 108 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 24 | |
Give item / drop item | 12 | |
Right click | 2858 | |
Select / deselect | 806 | |
Select group hotkey | 2782 | |
Use ability | 647 | |
7660 total
» units
Peasant | 65 | |
Priest | 5 | |
Sorceress | 2 | |
Goblin Zeppelin | 3 | |
Goblin Shredder | 4 | |
79 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Sorceress Training | 2 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Priest Training | 2 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Swords | 3 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
18 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 9 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 163 | |
Arcane Tower | 10 | |
Guard Tower | 62 | |
Town Hall | 3 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Castle | 3 | |
Arcane Vault | 2 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
Barracks | 3 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
263 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Kings
00:17 Farm
00:39 Lumber Mill
00:49 Farm
01:19 Scout Tower
01:21 Scout Tower
01:49 Arcane Tower
01:51 Scout Tower
02:17 Scout Tower
02:20 Guard Tower
02:20 Guard Tower
02:23 Scout Tower
02:48 Farm
02:48 Farm
03:01 Guard Tower
03:14 Guard Tower
03:21 Scout Tower
03:23 Scout Tower
04:23 Town Hall
04:42 Guard Tower
05:11 Keep
05:17 Scout Tower
05:59 Scout Tower
06:02 Guard Tower
06:06 Scout Tower
06:07 Scout Tower
06:07 Scout Tower
06:32 Farm
06:35 Scout Tower
06:35 Scout Tower
06:36 Scout Tower
06:37 Guard Tower
07:08 Guard Tower
07:08 Guard Tower
07:10 Scout Tower
07:11 Scout Tower
07:11 Scout Tower
07:13 Scout Tower
07:14 Scout Tower
07:15 Scout Tower
07:17 Scout Tower
07:18 Scout Tower
07:55 Guard Tower
07:55 Guard Tower
08:26 Castle
08:28 Guard Tower
08:48 Guard Tower
08:50 Scout Tower
08:51 Scout Tower
08:51 Scout Tower
09:12 Scout Tower
09:12 Scout Tower
09:13 Scout Tower
09:15 Guard Tower
09:33 Guard Tower
09:44 Guard Tower
09:45 Guard Tower
10:34 Scout Tower
10:34 Scout Tower
10:35 Scout Tower
10:36 Scout Tower
10:37 Scout Tower
10:38 Scout Tower
10:38 Scout Tower
10:39 Scout Tower
10:39 Scout Tower
10:43 Guard Tower
11:18 Guard Tower
11:51 Guard Tower
11:51 Guard Tower
11:56 Guard Tower
11:57 Guard Tower
11:59 Scout Tower
12:00 Scout Tower
12:00 Scout Tower
12:01 Scout Tower
12:25 Arcane Vault
12:38 Arcane Sanctum
13:30 Guard Tower
13:33 Arcane Vault
14:22 Scout Tower
14:22 Scout Tower
14:23 Scout Tower
16:27 Guard Tower
24:25 Scout Tower
24:28 Town Hall
24:32 Town Hall
26:49 Scout Tower
26:50 Scout Tower
26:54 Scout Tower
26:54 Scout Tower
26:55 Scout Tower
26:55 Scout Tower
27:34 Scout Tower
27:35 Scout Tower
27:36 Scout Tower
27:36 Scout Tower
27:37 Scout Tower
27:37 Scout Tower
27:52 Guard Tower
27:56 Scout Tower
27:56 Scout Tower
27:57 Scout Tower
27:57 Scout Tower
28:08 Scout Tower
28:08 Scout Tower
28:09 Scout Tower
28:09 Scout Tower
28:10 Scout Tower
28:10 Scout Tower
28:13 Guard Tower
28:13 Guard Tower
28:15 Scout Tower
28:16 Scout Tower
28:16 Scout Tower
28:17 Scout Tower
28:17 Scout Tower
28:18 Scout Tower
29:00 Scout Tower
29:01 Scout Tower
29:02 Scout Tower
29:05 Scout Tower
29:09 Scout Tower
29:16 Guard Tower
32:26 Guard Tower
35:17 Guard Tower
35:25 Scout Tower
35:26 Scout Tower
35:27 Scout Tower
35:28 Scout Tower
35:29 Scout Tower
35:30 Scout Tower
36:09 Scout Tower
36:09 Scout Tower
36:10 Scout Tower
36:11 Scout Tower
37:00 Gryphon Aviary
37:02 Gryphon Aviary
37:08 Scout Tower
37:08 Scout Tower
37:09 Scout Tower
37:10 Scout Tower
37:12 Scout Tower
37:12 Scout Tower
37:13 Scout Tower
37:15 Guard Tower
38:53 Guard Tower
39:05 Scout Tower
39:05 Scout Tower
39:06 Scout Tower
39:10 Scout Tower
39:11 Scout Tower
39:12 Scout Tower
39:13 Scout Tower
39:29 Barracks
39:30 Blacksmith
39:32 Barracks
40:16 Keep
40:19 Barracks
40:25 Guard Tower
41:01 Arcane Tower
41:53 Farm
41:56 Arcane Tower
43:05 Castle
43:05 Castle
43:51 Farm
44:00 Farm
44:01 Farm
44:03 Arcane Tower
44:08 Scout Tower
44:08 Scout Tower
44:09 Scout Tower
44:09 Scout Tower
44:10 Scout Tower
44:11 Scout Tower
44:51 Guard Tower
45:22 Guard Tower
47:18 Scout Tower
47:19 Scout Tower
47:20 Scout Tower
47:21 Scout Tower
47:22 Scout Tower
47:23 Scout Tower
47:33 Scout Tower
47:33 Scout Tower
47:34 Scout Tower
47:35 Scout Tower
47:36 Scout Tower
47:37 Scout Tower
47:38 Scout Tower
48:28 Guard Tower
48:49 Guard Tower
51:40 Guard Tower
51:40 Guard Tower
51:49 Scout Tower
51:50 Scout Tower
51:51 Scout Tower
51:52 Scout Tower
51:53 Scout Tower
51:53 Scout Tower
51:55 Scout Tower
51:55 Scout Tower
51:56 Scout Tower
51:57 Scout Tower
51:58 Scout Tower
51:59 Scout Tower
52:01 Scout Tower
52:02 Scout Tower
52:05 Scout Tower
52:08 Scout Tower
52:08 Scout Tower
52:09 Scout Tower
52:10 Scout Tower
52:10 Scout Tower
52:11 Scout Tower
52:42 Guard Tower
52:57 Scout Tower
52:59 Scout Tower
53:00 Scout Tower
53:01 Scout Tower
53:02 Scout Tower
53:03 Scout Tower
53:24 Scout Tower
53:25 Scout Tower
53:26 Scout Tower
53:27 Scout Tower
53:30 Guard Tower
53:31 Guard Tower
54:43 Guard Tower
54:57 Guard Tower
54:58 Guard Tower
55:00 Guard Tower
55:01 Guard Tower
55:21 Guard Tower
55:33 Guard Tower
68:18 Scout Tower
68:19 Scout Tower
68:20 Scout Tower
68:21 Scout Tower
68:22 Scout Tower
68:24 Scout Tower
68:24 Scout Tower
68:25 Scout Tower
71:02 Scout Tower
71:16 Arcane Tower
73:29 Arcane Tower
» items
Boots of Speed | 3 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 3 | |
Healing Salve | 2 | |
Circlet of Nobility | 2 | |
Tome of Retraining | 1 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 1 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 3 | |
Orb of Lightning | 2 | |
17 total
UGH.2ez (
yellow | 71 APM | 6717 actions | 94:08)
6 Archmage
3 Blizzard
2 Brilliance Aura
1 Mass Teleport
6 Dark Ranger
3 Silence
2 Life Drain
1 Charm
5 Mountain King
3 Storm Bolt
2 Bash
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 32 | |
Basic commands | 57 | |
Build / train | 129 | |
ESC pressed | 9 | |
Enter build submenu | 80 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 20 | |
Give item / drop item | 6 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 3262 | |
Select / deselect | 1186 | |
Select group hotkey | 1410 | |
Use ability | 522 | |
6717 total
» units
Peasant | 16 | |
Priest | 4 | |
Goblin Zeppelin | 1 | |
Goblin Shredder | 1 | |
Sorceress | 2 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 8 | |
32 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
Sorceress Training | 2 | |
Priest Training | 2 | |
Backpack | 1 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Swords | 2 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
18 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 2 | |
Scout Tower | 82 | |
Farm | 13 | |
Lumber Mill | 3 | |
Arcane Tower | 8 | |
Guard Tower | 29 | |
Keep | 3 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 2 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
Town Hall | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 2 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
150 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Kings
00:19 Scout Tower
00:21 Farm
00:46 Lumber Mill
00:49 Arcane Tower
01:17 Farm
01:39 Scout Tower
01:58 Scout Tower
02:05 Guard Tower
02:36 Guard Tower
02:39 Scout Tower
03:34 Guard Tower
03:36 Keep
03:38 Farm
03:40 Farm
03:44 Scout Tower
03:46 Scout Tower
04:16 Guard Tower
04:18 Guard Tower
06:07 Arcane Sanctum
08:58 Farm
09:32 Scout Tower
09:51 Scout Tower
09:51 Scout Tower
10:28 Scout Tower
10:30 Scout Tower
10:32 Guard Tower
11:07 Arcane Tower
11:18 Scout Tower
11:20 Scout Tower
11:20 Scout Tower
11:37 Guard Tower
11:39 Scout Tower
11:58 Arcane Tower
11:59 Guard Tower
12:06 Scout Tower
12:50 Guard Tower
15:09 Scout Tower
15:16 Scout Tower
15:40 Guard Tower
15:59 Scout Tower
16:07 Gryphon Aviary
16:36 Guard Tower
16:37 Scout Tower
17:09 Town Hall
17:12 Guard Tower
17:14 Scout Tower
17:15 Scout Tower
17:16 Scout Tower
17:32 Scout Tower
17:34 Scout Tower
18:52 Scout Tower
18:57 Guard Tower
19:09 Scout Tower
19:10 Scout Tower
19:11 Scout Tower
19:13 Scout Tower
19:14 Scout Tower
19:15 Scout Tower
19:21 Arcane Tower
19:48 Guard Tower
19:51 Scout Tower
19:53 Scout Tower
19:53 Scout Tower
19:54 Scout Tower
19:58 Scout Tower
19:59 Scout Tower
20:00 Scout Tower
20:01 Scout Tower
20:04 Scout Tower
20:05 Scout Tower
20:23 Arcane Tower
20:25 Guard Tower
21:12 Guard Tower
21:16 Gryphon Aviary
21:17 Arcane Sanctum
22:01 Keep
22:08 Guard Tower
22:15 Lumber Mill
22:20 Castle
22:55 Arcane Vault
24:39 Blacksmith
24:43 Barracks
24:51 Arcane Vault
27:45 Scout Tower
27:46 Scout Tower
27:47 Scout Tower
27:48 Scout Tower
27:49 Scout Tower
27:49 Scout Tower
27:51 Scout Tower
27:51 Scout Tower
27:52 Scout Tower
27:53 Scout Tower
29:00 Guard Tower
29:49 Guard Tower
29:55 Scout Tower
30:09 Guard Tower
30:21 Scout Tower
30:23 Guard Tower
30:24 Scout Tower
32:13 Scout Tower
32:17 Guard Tower
32:20 Scout Tower
32:20 Scout Tower
32:23 Scout Tower
32:25 Scout Tower
32:42 Scout Tower
32:43 Scout Tower
33:18 Guard Tower
34:42 Altar of Kings
34:51 Arcane Tower
35:22 Scout Tower
35:23 Scout Tower
35:24 Scout Tower
35:25 Scout Tower
35:30 Guard Tower
35:34 Scout Tower
35:35 Scout Tower
35:36 Scout Tower
35:39 Scout Tower
35:40 Scout Tower
35:50 Farm
35:51 Farm
35:52 Farm
35:55 Farm
36:19 Guard Tower
36:24 Arcane Tower
37:04 Guard Tower
40:03 Keep
43:34 Farm
43:57 Farm
44:02 Scout Tower
44:03 Scout Tower
44:10 Scout Tower
44:54 Lumber Mill
45:08 Scout Tower
45:11 Scout Tower
45:12 Scout Tower
45:18 Scout Tower
45:20 Scout Tower
45:23 Scout Tower
45:24 Scout Tower
46:05 Farm
46:08 Farm
46:18 Guard Tower
46:20 Guard Tower
47:38 Guard Tower
57:20 Scout Tower
57:50 Arcane Tower
» items
Boots of Speed | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 3 | |
Healing Salve | 1 | |
Orb of Lightning | 2 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 4 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 3 | |
Orb of Fire | 1 | |
16 total
team 2 (loser)
Forgotten_Again (
red | 46 APM | 4327 actions | 94:08)
5 Warden
3 Shadow Strike
2 Blink
4 Naga Sea Witch
2 Frost Arrows
2 Forked Lightning
2 Keeper of the Grove
1 Entangling Roots
1 Thorns Aura
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 41 | |
Basic commands | 78 | |
Build / train | 141 | |
ESC pressed | 3 | |
Enter build submenu | 39 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 11 | |
Give item / drop item | 6 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 1695 | |
Select / deselect | 1484 | |
Select group hotkey | 639 | |
Use ability | 188 | |
4327 total
» units
Wisp | 43 | |
Archer | 9 | |
Druid of the Talon | 14 | |
Hippogryph | 3 | |
Glaive Thrower | 4 | |
Chimaera | 5 | |
Faerie Dragon | 1 | |
Goblin Zeppelin | 3 | |
Dryad | 6 | |
88 total
» upgrades
Improved Bows | 1 | |
Druid of the Talon Training | 2 | |
Well Spring | 1 | |
Reinforced Hides | 3 | |
Nature's Blessing | 1 | |
Marksmanship | 0 | |
Vorpal Blades | 1 | |
Ultravision | 1 | |
Strength of the Moon | 1 | |
Strength of the Wild | 3 | |
Corrosive Breath | 1 | |
Mark of the Talon | 1 | |
16 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Moon Well | 7 | |
Ancient of War | 3 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Tree of Ages | 1 | |
Ancient Protector | 13 | |
Ancient of Wind | 1 | |
Ancient of Wonders | 1 | |
Tree of Life | 4 | |
Tree of Eternity | 1 | |
Chimaera Roost | 3 | |
Ancient of Lore | 2 | |
38 total
» build order
00:31 Altar of Elders
00:47 Moon Well
01:24 Ancient of War
01:31 Moon Well
02:07 Ancient of War
02:31 Hunter's Hall
03:52 Tree of Ages
04:02 Moon Well
04:26 Ancient Protector
04:45 Ancient Protector
05:16 Ancient Protector
07:38 Ancient of Wind
09:06 Moon Well
09:32 Ancient of Wonders
11:01 Tree of Life
11:32 Tree of Eternity
11:41 Moon Well
11:57 Ancient Protector
15:11 Ancient Protector
15:16 Ancient Protector
16:02 Ancient of War
16:56 Ancient Protector
17:00 Ancient Protector
17:10 Ancient Protector
18:05 Ancient Protector
18:08 Ancient Protector
18:26 Moon Well
18:28 Moon Well
21:31 Ancient Protector
22:57 Tree of Life
25:32 Tree of Life
25:40 Tree of Life
27:16 Chimaera Roost
28:10 Ancient Protector
31:29 Chimaera Roost
31:42 Chimaera Roost
43:23 Ancient of Lore
43:31 Ancient of Lore
» items
Boots of Speed | 3 | |
Dust of Appearance | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 5 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 3 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 3 | |
Scroll of Healing | 2 | |
Potion of Invisibility | 1 | |
19 total
He11scream (
blue | 62 APM | 5839 actions | 94:01)
8 Blood Mage
3 Siphon Mana
3 Flame Strike
1 Summon Phoenix
1 Banish
1 Archmage
1 Summon Water Elemental
1 Mountain King
1 Storm Bolt
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 14 | |
Basic commands | 31 | |
Build / train | 213 | |
ESC pressed | 29 | |
Enter build submenu | 107 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 2 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 3007 | |
Select / deselect | 1591 | |
Select group hotkey | 513 | |
Use ability | 320 | |
5839 total
» units
Peasant | 43 | |
Gryphon Rider | 12 | |
Goblin Zeppelin | 20 | |
Priest | 6 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 15 | |
Siege Engine | 5 | |
Flying Machine | 2 | |
103 total
» upgrades
Swords | 3 | |
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Masonry | 3 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 1 | |
Priest Training | 2 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
Plating | 2 | |
Barrage | 1 | |
Magic Sentry | 1 | |
19 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 14 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Scout Tower | 69 | |
Arcane Tower | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 2 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 3 | |
Arcane Vault | 2 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Town Hall | 5 | |
Guard Tower | 55 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 1 | |
Workshop | 3 | |
161 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Kings
00:19 Farm
00:58 Farm
02:02 Keep
02:03 Keep
02:11 Scout Tower
02:14 Farm
02:38 Arcane Tower
02:48 Farm
03:36 Farm
04:16 Farm
05:07 Farm
05:20 Lumber Mill
05:45 Blacksmith
05:49 Farm
05:50 Farm
06:06 Castle
07:14 Gryphon Aviary
07:20 Gryphon Aviary
07:26 Arcane Vault
07:33 Gryphon Aviary
10:53 Barracks
13:08 Town Hall
13:12 Scout Tower
13:13 Scout Tower
13:15 Scout Tower
13:18 Scout Tower
13:39 Guard Tower
13:40 Scout Tower
13:41 Guard Tower
13:42 Scout Tower
13:43 Guard Tower
13:45 Scout Tower
13:48 Guard Tower
13:48 Guard Tower
13:50 Scout Tower
14:25 Guard Tower
15:04 Arcane Sanctum
16:47 Farm
16:48 Farm
18:41 Farm
22:49 Lumber Mill
23:49 Farm
31:10 Town Hall
32:03 Scout Tower
32:04 Scout Tower
32:06 Scout Tower
33:03 Guard Tower
33:05 Scout Tower
33:06 Scout Tower
33:33 Guard Tower
33:34 Guard Tower
34:26 Scout Tower
34:27 Scout Tower
34:29 Scout Tower
34:34 Scout Tower
34:41 Scout Tower
34:42 Scout Tower
38:09 Scout Tower
39:57 Town Hall
43:53 Town Hall
43:57 Scout Tower
44:00 Scout Tower
44:03 Scout Tower
44:05 Scout Tower
44:24 Guard Tower
44:29 Guard Tower
44:32 Guard Tower
45:01 Guard Tower
51:13 Workshop
51:23 Workshop
51:25 Workshop
77:52 Scout Tower
77:53 Scout Tower
77:56 Scout Tower
77:59 Scout Tower
78:21 Guard Tower
78:23 Guard Tower
78:26 Scout Tower
78:28 Scout Tower
78:30 Guard Tower
78:32 Scout Tower
78:35 Guard Tower
78:36 Guard Tower
78:38 Scout Tower
78:53 Scout Tower
79:02 Guard Tower
79:07 Scout Tower
79:08 Guard Tower
79:12 Scout Tower
79:14 Guard Tower
79:16 Scout Tower
79:18 Guard Tower
79:21 Scout Tower
79:34 Guard Tower
79:37 Scout Tower
80:00 Guard Tower
80:01 Guard Tower
80:04 Scout Tower
80:05 Guard Tower
80:08 Arcane Vault
80:19 Guard Tower
80:22 Scout Tower
80:23 Guard Tower
80:26 Scout Tower
80:43 Scout Tower
80:47 Guard Tower
80:51 Scout Tower
80:54 Guard Tower
80:56 Scout Tower
80:56 Guard Tower
80:59 Scout Tower
81:20 Guard Tower
81:23 Scout Tower
81:24 Guard Tower
81:26 Scout Tower
81:28 Scout Tower
81:36 Guard Tower
81:38 Scout Tower
81:39 Guard Tower
81:42 Scout Tower
81:52 Guard Tower
81:54 Scout Tower
81:55 Guard Tower
81:58 Scout Tower
82:00 Guard Tower
82:00 Guard Tower
82:02 Scout Tower
82:05 Guard Tower
82:06 Guard Tower
82:07 Scout Tower
82:17 Guard Tower
82:19 Scout Tower
82:27 Guard Tower
82:32 Scout Tower
82:35 Guard Tower
82:37 Scout Tower
82:37 Guard Tower
82:41 Scout Tower
82:46 Guard Tower
82:46 Guard Tower
82:48 Scout Tower
82:49 Guard Tower
82:51 Scout Tower
82:59 Guard Tower
83:10 Guard Tower
83:10 Guard Tower
83:14 Scout Tower
83:20 Scout Tower
83:31 Guard Tower
83:33 Guard Tower
83:36 Scout Tower
83:42 Scout Tower
84:01 Guard Tower
84:06 Scout Tower
84:09 Guard Tower
84:10 Scout Tower
88:39 Scout Tower
91:48 Town Hall
93:10 Farm
93:33 Scout Tower
» items
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Potion of Invisibility | 1 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 9 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 2 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 2 | |
16 total
Roknii (
pink | 38 APM | 2941 actions | 77:42)
6 Death Knight
3 Death Coil
2 Unholy Aura
1 Animate Dead
5 Lich
3 Frost Nova
2 Dark Ritual
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 31 | |
Basic commands | 499 | |
Build / train | 72 | |
ESC pressed | 1 | |
Enter build submenu | 24 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 11 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Right click | 573 | |
Select / deselect | 718 | |
Select group hotkey | 897 | |
Use ability | 114 | |
2941 total
» units
Acolyte | 16 | |
Ghoul | 2 | |
Crypt Fiend | 14 | |
Obsidian Statue | 2 | |
34 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack | 3 | |
Web | 1 | |
Creature Carapace | 4 | |
Burrow | 1 | |
9 total
» buildings
Graveyard | 1 | |
Crypt | 2 | |
Ziggurat | 14 | |
Altar of Darkness | 1 | |
Nerubian Tower | 1 | |
Halls of the Dead | 1 | |
Black Citadel | 1 | |
Slaughterhouse | 1 | |
Tomb of Relics | 1 | |
Sacrificial Pit | 1 | |
Spirit Tower | 3 | |
27 total
» build order
00:13 Graveyard
00:24 Crypt
00:42 Ziggurat
01:05 Altar of Darkness
02:33 Nerubian Tower
02:43 Ziggurat
06:08 Halls of the Dead
06:19 Ziggurat
06:20 Ziggurat
09:38 Black Citadel
10:25 Ziggurat
10:27 Ziggurat
10:30 Ziggurat
10:50 Slaughterhouse
10:55 Tomb of Relics
10:59 Sacrificial Pit
12:10 Crypt
12:17 Spirit Tower
12:18 Spirit Tower
12:20 Spirit Tower
17:36 Ziggurat
17:37 Ziggurat
45:56 Ziggurat
45:57 Ziggurat
45:59 Ziggurat
46:01 Ziggurat
46:23 Ziggurat
» items
Scroll of Town Portal | 7 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 1 | |
Orb of Corruption | 2 | |
10 total
Chat log
(00:09 / Allies) UGH.2ez: woot
(00:33 / All) cum.2ez: bark with me if youre my dogg
(00:40 / All) He11scream: meow
(01:00 / Allies) UGH.2ez: these bases really suck but the islands are pro
(01:03 / Allies) cum.2ez: yea
(02:16 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: scouted
(02:26 / Allies) UGH.2ez: mana siphon bm first
(02:30 / Allies) UGH.2ez: and teching
(02:51 / Allies) UGH.2ez: expoing somwhere
(03:24 / Allies) UGH.2ez: lol 3 acos dead
(04:02 / Allies) UGH.2ez: uhhh guy had 4 spare acos but no mines are crept?
(04:39 / Allies) cum.2ez: nub alert
(04:55 / Allies) UGH.2ez: i tihnk blue might be going fast hawks though
(05:35 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: lil gold
(06:01 / Allies) UGH.2ez: pink trying to expo
(08:00 / All) cum.2ez: i liek farms
(08:43 / Allies) UGH.2ez: tri avaries
(08:45 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: yeh
(08:53 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: give me some gold/lumber
(09:24 / Allies) UGH.2ez: yeah its mass hawks
(10:50 / Allies) UGH.2ez: woot
(11:04 / Allies) UGH.2ez: im not going to even bother trying to hold my main fyi
(11:05 / Allies) cum.2ez: a lil wood anyone
(11:09 / Allies) cum.2ez: mine will hold fine i think
(11:31 / Allies) cum.2ez: o shoot
(13:01 / Allies) cum.2ez: a 2nd shop plz
(13:14 / Allies) cum.2ez: u crept that?
(13:18 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: ye
(13:33 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: god this shit sucks for lumber
(13:49 / Allies) cum.2ez: tc
(14:37 / Allies) UGH.2ez: blow
(16:25 / Allies) cum.2ez: tt
(17:53 / Allies) UGH.2ez: oh gryphs
(18:12 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: ?
(18:12 / Allies) cum.2ez: welp
(18:15 / Allies) cum.2ez: 4 towersw..
(18:37 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: ?
(19:09 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: what
(19:14 / Allies) cum.2ez: dusted
(19:35 / Allies) UGH.2ez: jesus christ can you faggot stop getting fucked by harrass
(19:42 / Allies) cum.2ez: no
(20:44 / Allies) cum.2ez: ?
(20:47 / Allies) cum.2ez: ill go take it
(20:48 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: hurr
(20:53 / Allies) cum.2ez: if u can scan it frosty
(20:58 / Allies) UGH.2ez: just did
(21:00 / Allies) UGH.2ez: tis free
(21:01 / Allies) cum.2ez: oic
(23:34 / Allies) cum.2ez: taking dis island
(25:52 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: need some ogld
(27:09 / Allies) cum.2ez: ugh
(27:11 / Allies) cum.2ez: dont kill the big one
(29:23 / Allies) cum.2ez: anyone got wood
(29:24 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: haha
(31:16 / All) UGH.2ez: excellent harrass
(31:29 / All) UGH.2ez: a level 6 hero and zepplin for 2 peasants and a priest
(31:38 / All) He11scream: nice strat
(31:42 / All) cum.2ez: thx
(31:44 / All) He11scream: you have what chance to win?
(31:46 / All) He11scream: zero?
(31:47 / All) cum.2ez: 100%
(31:47 / All) He11scream: yup
(31:49 / All) bia-bia-bia: 100%
(31:50 / All) bia-bia-bia: :D
(32:02 / Allies) cum.2ez: 100 wood plz
(32:05 / Allies) cum.2ez: need a shredder
(33:27 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: some lumber
(33:32 / Allies) cum.2ez: is that 100 food fiends
(33:45 / Allies) UGH.2ez: god dont you fags know to get shitloads of lumber on this map
(33:48 / Allies) cum.2ez: nah
(33:53 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: i treid
(33:57 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: but shit i was using it
(36:26 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: 19 fiends
(36:30 / Allies) cum.2ez: haha
(36:37 / Allies) cum.2ez: red
(36:40 / Allies) cum.2ez: zep?
(36:41 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: yeah
(36:43 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: yeah
(37:24 / Allies) UGH.2ez: hate this shit
(37:30 / Allies) UGH.2ez: dont want to get staffed back to land!
(37:31 / Allies) cum.2ez: main doesnt give ezp
(37:33 / Allies) cum.2ez: a
(37:35 / Allies) cum.2ez: ah
(37:58 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: my shit is on cd
(38:02 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: but i can staff there soon
(38:32 / All) bia-bia-bia: thx 4 da xp
(38:46 / All) cum.2ez: what % chance do u have to win
(38:50 / All) He11scream: 100%
(38:50 / All) bia-bia-bia: 0%
(38:52 / All) bia-bia-bia: :D
(38:55 / All) He11scream: cause you're terrible
(38:59 / All) cum.2ez: i can tell
(40:26 / All) bia-bia-bia: 0^
(40:29 / All) bia-bia-bia: %
(40:51 / All) cum.2ez: thanks for the bolt cooldown
(40:57 / All) He11scream: i didnt like him anyway
(41:04 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: i gotta go get my laundry
(41:08 / Allies) UGH.2ez: lol
(41:21 / Allies) cum.2ez: ugh
(41:29 / Allies) cum.2ez: wood for a new shredder blue killed it at my base
(41:41 / Allies) cum.2ez: anyone
(41:47 / Allies) UGH.2ez: ive got plenty
(41:54 / Allies) UGH.2ez: b/c i remembered to actually get wood on land
(42:01 / Allies) cum.2ez: look around my main
(42:08 / Allies) cum.2ez: actually dont
(42:15 / Allies) UGH.2ez: no wood
(42:28 / All) He11scream: mmmm
(42:30 / Allies) cum.2ez: go there bia
(42:32 / All) He11scream: nice harass!
(42:35 / Allies) cum.2ez: and ill get another shredder
(42:50 / Allies) UGH.2ez: pro harvesting fyi
(43:24 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: use my bats and dudes
(43:32 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: i gotta go get my luandry
(43:40 / Allies) cum.2ez: k
(43:51 / Allies) UGH.2ez: we arent exactly rich
(43:57 / Allies) cum.2ez: i got 10000 more gold
(44:22 / Allies) UGH.2ez: oh well my am is nearly 5 maybe ill get able to get amss tp
(44:25 / Allies) cum.2ez: we need to make alot of towers on these islands tbqh
(44:29 / Allies) UGH.2ez: its a bitch trying to move between 3 islands
(44:33 / Allies) cum.2ez: dropping 20 fiends under cloud is goign to be a pain
(44:43 / Allies) UGH.2ez: your island is better ugh
(44:46 / Allies) cum.2ez: yes it is
(45:03 / Allies) UGH.2ez: mine is prob the smallest
(45:07 / Allies) cum.2ez: ayr
(45:09 / Allies) cum.2ez: aye
(45:28 / Allies) cum.2ez: u should reinforce bias
(45:29 / Allies) cum.2ez: instead
(45:35 / Allies) UGH.2ez: i cant imagine pink or red has much gold left
(45:38 / Allies) UGH.2ez: nope
(45:42 / Allies) UGH.2ez: not losing my fort
(46:33 / Allies) cum.2ez: that woulda been bad
(46:47 / Allies) UGH.2ez: ugh still 5k there
(47:07 / Allies) UGH.2ez: what was that?
(47:14 / Allies) cum.2ez: a hawk
(47:21 / Allies) UGH.2ez: ps 4 trees harvested is 200 lumber for your shredder
(47:25 / Allies) cum.2ez: i kno
(47:29 / Allies) UGH.2ez: ok
(48:20 / Allies) cum.2ez: haha
(48:21 / All) cum.2ez: brb pizza
(48:23 / Allies) UGH.2ez: nope
(48:33 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: he looks ok to me
(48:39 / Allies) UGH.2ez: dont give any gold fyi im in upkeep
(48:39 / All) cum.2ez: well i have to say that helped u guys alot
(48:45 / All) cum.2ez: you have about 99.5% chance to lose now
(48:57 / All) He11scream: mm hmm
(49:15 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: i
(49:15 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: mine
(49:19 / Allies) UGH.2ez: tbh its going to take a shitload of gold to through mine or kunts island
(49:30 / Allies) UGH.2ez: bias too if we support properly
(50:38 / All) bia-bia-bia: man I think you guys got one tower
(50:39 / All) bia-bia-bia: nj
(51:07 / Allies) UGH.2ez: so
(51:07 / All) bia-bia-bia: ^_-
(51:08 / Allies) UGH.2ez: many
(51:09 / Allies) UGH.2ez: fiends
(51:11 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: yeah
(51:19 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: he must have spent at least 5k on tp scrolls this game
(51:49 / Allies) UGH.2ez: scanned my island
(52:05 / Allies) UGH.2ez: ugh going to have to move back
(52:35 / Allies) UGH.2ez: 6 hawks and heroes should be enough
(52:36 / Allies) cum.2ez: dont think they have a chance on my island
(53:30 / All) bia-bia-bia: hi2u
(53:35 / All) bia-bia-bia: 0^
(53:37 / All) bia-bia-bia: %
(53:47 / All) Forgotten_Again: shrug ive got all nigt
(53:57 / All) bia-bia-bia: great :D
(54:05 / All) UGH.2ez: Older philosophical man 54 seeks scientist mentality woman age 20 to 30 wanting to have kids to be raised vegetarian
(54:05 / All) UGH.2ez: My webpage is My other webpage is
(54:20 / Allies) UGH.2ez: nearly moved all my units abck
(54:39 / All) cum.2ez: have fun landing fiends in lvl 3 blizz fstrike and forked
(55:28 / Allies) cum.2ez: i think this is the msot ive ever fortified this island
(55:33 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: haha
(55:45 / Allies) UGH.2ez: its the first time we've ever taken all 3 islands properly
(55:56 / Allies) UGH.2ez: normally we get one up and fortified we barely get then lose another
(55:59 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: pro
(56:42 / All) cum.2ez: Hello
(57:00 / Allies) UGH.2ez: another tp used
(57:04 / Allies) cum.2ez: he split his army too lol
(57:08 / All) cum.2ez: nice tp pink
(57:14 / All) cum.2ez: im sure that was wroth the 350 gold
(57:21 / Allies) cum.2ez: tanks
(57:22 / Allies) cum.2ez: lol
(57:25 / Allies) UGH.2ez: l o l
(57:42 / All) UGH.2ez: slowed and dizzy tanks are pretty effective vs heavy armour towers
(57:42 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: my mine is empty
(57:48 / All) UGH.2ez: when being blizzed and flamestriked
(57:58 / All) bia-bia-bia: I have this great idea lets make tanks
(58:07 / All) bia-bia-bia: SHIT BLUE BEAT US TO IT
(59:08 / All) UGH.2ez: good use of 350 gold
(59:19 / All) bia-bia-bia: how many tp you buy this game pink
(59:21 / All) bia-bia-bia: like 20
(59:34 / All) UGH.2ez: you just dont move fast enough with unholy aura
(59:35 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: gonna max out the bats now
(59:39 / All) UGH.2ez: also got to teleport
(59:56 / All) cum.2ez: lvl 1 archmage
(60:01 / All) cum.2ez: landazar sure is brave
(60:02 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: gg
(60:02 / Allies) UGH.2ez: lollllllll
(60:14 / All) bia-bia-bia: you are going to regret spending that 425 gold pretty soon :/
(60:21 / All) cum.2ez: at least he will be cheap to revive
(60:38 / Allies) cum.2ez: do zeps give exp
(60:42 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: no
(60:46 / Allies) UGH.2ez: yes a little
(60:48 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: kill the zeps nub
(60:59 / Allies) UGH.2ez: ps red has a kotg now
(61:11 / All) bia-bia-bia: lvl 1 heros
(61:14 / All) bia-bia-bia: >:]
(61:26 / All) UGH.2ez: i find it most effective to get new heroes when i have no way of levelling them
(61:51 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: haha
(61:53 / Allies) UGH.2ez: also he bought the kotg boots and staff
(61:55 / Allies) cum.2ez: ahha
(61:56 / Allies) UGH.2ez: and a invis potion
(61:57 / All) bia-bia-bia: owned like a slave
(62:03 / All) cum.2ez: invis potions are good
(62:07 / All) cum.2ez: its not like we got free reveal
(62:16 / Allies) cum.2ez: am 150 from mass tp
(62:20 / Allies) cum.2ez: 6 more towers?
(62:23 / Allies) UGH.2ez: woot
(62:24 / Allies) cum.2ez: or 8?
(62:34 / Allies) UGH.2ez: come with your heroes
(62:37 / Allies) UGH.2ez: and we fuck him up?
(62:41 / Allies) cum.2ez: k
(62:43 / Allies) UGH.2ez: with silence he wont be able to do anything
(62:46 / Allies) cum.2ez: zeppin over
(62:49 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: wait for me
(63:10 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: fucken zeps
(63:11 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: take so long
(63:15 / Allies) UGH.2ez: that many 3-3 fiends can still focus a hero down pretty quick though ofc
(63:20 / Allies) UGH.2ez: seriously lol tbqh
(63:57 / Allies) UGH.2ez: drop heroes on land its faster running
(64:06 / Allies) cum.2ez: lets go
(64:58 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: awesome
(65:08 / Allies) cum.2ez: haha?
(65:13 / Allies) cum.2ez: i almost got mass tp
(65:17 / Allies) cum.2ez: 75 more
(65:35 / Allies) UGH.2ez: lol
(65:47 / All) UGH.2ez: pink doesnt have any fiends left lets attack now
(65:48 / All) cum.2ez: what % chance to win guys
(65:55 / All) bia-bia-bia: let me guess
(65:57 / All) bia-bia-bia: 0%
(66:01 / All) He11scream: well you can't come out
(66:03 / All) He11scream: so you cant win
(66:05 / All) He11scream: simple math
(66:07 / All) bia-bia-bia: oic
(66:07 / All) UGH.2ez: haha
(66:13 / All) cum.2ez: its not like we didnt just kill a bunch of shit
(66:15 / All) UGH.2ez: i saw no numbers in there
(66:20 / All) He11scream: oh shi
(66:23 / All) He11scream: not a tp!
(66:23 / All) UGH.2ez: pretty sure you have to have numbers for it to be math
(66:26 / All) He11scream: I got like 16k
(66:28 / All) He11scream: zzzzz
(66:29 / All) bia-bia-bia: yeah
(66:32 / All) UGH.2ez: yeah nothing more than a tp
(66:35 / All) bia-bia-bia: sure you do champ
(66:43 / All) bia-bia-bia: pink with his 100 food army
(66:54 / Allies) cum.2ez: wherse the du
(66:55 / Allies) cum.2ez: ud
(67:01 / Allies) UGH.2ez: not too close
(67:07 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: probably hunting me
(67:13 / Allies) UGH.2ez: ok maybe we wont attack
(67:15 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: i was killing red shit
(67:53 / All) He11scream: nice shot
(68:00 / All) cum.2ez: yeah im about to run out of mana too
(68:07 / All) He11scream: I know!
(68:10 / All) He11scream: it's sweeet
(69:02 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: pink headed your way
(69:11 / All) He11scream: oh shit
(69:12 / All) He11scream: units
(69:18 / All) He11scream: I better run
(69:23 / All) cum.2ez: what
(69:26 / All) bia-bia-bia: dont worry sweet pea
(69:27 / Allies) cum.2ez: mass tp woot
(69:32 / All) bia-bia-bia: your units will be gone soon enough
(69:45 / Allies) UGH.2ez: if we can both get mass tp it will be big woots
(70:42 / All) cum.2ez: gg
(70:45 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: gg
(70:45 / All) cum.2ez: we loose
(70:51 / Allies) UGH.2ez: bia that wasnt extremely pro
(70:55 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: well
(71:03 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: almost got my 6
(71:38 / Allies) cum.2ez: is that a building workshop
(71:43 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: yeh
(72:15 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: fucken towers
(72:30 / Allies) UGH.2ez: \hes got some gyros
(72:38 / Allies) UGH.2ez: but they were taking too long to build to be gyros
(72:42 / All) cum.2ez: gyros are really good vs towers
(72:45 / Allies) cum.2ez: they were tanks
(72:48 / Allies) cum.2ez: i saw em pop out
(72:52 / Allies) UGH.2ez: o
(72:54 / All) He11scream: yup
(72:58 / All) cum.2ez: they are also good vs heroes
(73:08 / All) UGH.2ez: im pretty sure the reason you actually built them is because you're a dumb nub
(73:27 / Allies) cum.2ez: kill the shade?
(73:35 / All) cum.2ez: hello
(73:44 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: i got bigger fish to firy
(73:50 / Allies) cum.2ez: firy?
(74:18 / Allies) cum.2ez: oh man
(74:21 / Allies) cum.2ez: i want to rape that pretty bad
(74:23 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: about damn time
(74:24 / Allies) cum.2ez: lead the ud away
(74:28 / All) bia-bia-bia: 0%
(74:29 / Allies) cum.2ez: then ill mass tp to u
(74:40 / Allies) cum.2ez: send blade there
(74:41 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: what should i spin
(74:43 / Allies) cum.2ez: welp]
(74:44 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: ok
(74:54 / Allies) cum.2ez: ill mass tp
(75:06 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: let die imo
(75:32 / All) cum.2ez: ok u figured it out
(75:37 / All) cum.2ez: u win
(76:15 / Allies) cum.2ez: frosty?
(76:25 / Allies) UGH.2ez: stuck up here for a second
(77:00 / All) cum.2ez: 0%
(77:10 / Allies) cum.2ez: ill mass tp back in a sec
(77:16 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: tp my bm
(77:18 / Allies) cum.2ez: its all slowed
(77:37 / All) bia-bia-bia: 0%
(77:45 / All) bia-bia-bia: gtfo
(78:07 / All) He11scream: he has a life, and had to go
(78:10 / All) He11scream: I however
(78:12 / All) He11scream: do no
(78:13 / All) bia-bia-bia: so you claim
(78:13 / All) He11scream: not
(79:06 / All) bia-bia-bia: ahhh
(79:16 / All) bia-bia-bia: 0%
(79:39 / Allies) cum.2ez: man
(79:44 / Allies) cum.2ez: cold arrows 3 is pretty brutal
(79:57 / Allies) UGH.2ez: nearing charm
(80:06 / All) bia-bia-bia: neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeext
(80:43 / All) UGH.2ez: tell him his zigg placement is excellent
(81:31 / Allies) UGH.2ez: lol
(81:53 / Allies) cum.2ez: 27 for pheoniz
(82:00 / Allies) cum.2ez: lol
(82:04 / All) cum.2ez: nice blue
(82:12 / All) cum.2ez: gonna be hard to take!
(82:25 / All) cum.2ez: blue can u make me a peasant at ur main
(82:28 / All) cum.2ez: i would really like 6/6/6
(83:10 / All) cum.2ez: nvm i got it
(83:29 / Allies) cum.2ez: land behind him if u can
(83:31 / Allies) cum.2ez: ill tp to it
(83:31 / Allies) UGH.2ez: lol the guy did actually have quite a bit of gold left
(83:50 / Allies) cum.2ez: fly down here
(83:51 / Allies) cum.2ez: around
(83:55 / Allies) UGH.2ez: yes
(84:13 / All) cum.2ez: haha
(84:44 / Allies) cum.2ez: welp
(86:41 / Allies) cum.2ez: hahaha
(86:47 / All) bia-bia-bia: you see how we did it with just like 1/4 the food you had
(86:51 / All) bia-bia-bia: thats why you are a noob
(87:01 / All) He11scream: looolololol
(88:28 / All) bia-bia-bia: :D
(88:37 / Allies) cum.2ez: 60 exp per hawk
(88:43 / All) UGH.2ez: pretty tough game!
(88:59 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: tough to endure allt his nubbery
(89:10 / Allies) cum.2ez: 70 move rate
(89:12 / Allies) cum.2ez: lol
(89:16 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: -fps
(89:22 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: 29.4 fps
(89:26 / Allies) UGH.2ez: -fps
(89:31 / Allies) cum.2ez: -fps
(89:31 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: /
(89:32 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: not -
(89:41 / Allies) cum.2ez: 53 noob
(89:56 / Allies) UGH.2ez: its not saying
(89:58 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: my shit is all max settings
(90:26 / Allies) UGH.2ez: where does it tell you?????
(90:30 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: type /fps
(90:32 / Allies) cum.2ez: below the clock
(90:36 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: its top mid of ur scrn
(90:40 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: yellow letters
(90:44 / Allies) UGH.2ez: now its there
(90:48 / Allies) bia-bia-bia: new in this patch
(90:53 / Allies) UGH.2ez: o
(90:58 / All) He11scream: my only regret is I dont have another 2 hours to spare running around the map farm hiding, work is a bitch.
(90:59 / Allies) UGH.2ez: low 30s atm
(91:05 / All) He11scream: you've proven worthy to waste my time tonight
(91:07 / All) bia-bia-bia: mcdonalds etc
(91:10 / All) He11scream: I thank you for that
(91:16 / All) cum.2ez: knty friend chicken
(91:16 / All) UGH.2ez: you're a nub
(91:20 / All) cum.2ez: FRIED
(91:24 / All) bia-bia-bia: we will oblige you every time you want sir
(91:24 / All) He11scream: /gasp
(91:25 / All) cum.2ez: (ana pizza hut)
(91:33 / All) bia-bia-bia: i do like pizza
(91:36 / All) He11scream: dude customer service is for chumps
(91:54 / All) UGH.2ez: is that why you got fired from your last job?
(92:04 / All) He11scream: well when you murder some dude
(92:06 / All) He11scream: yea
(92:07 / All) He11scream: =(
(92:17 / All) UGH.2ez: did you undercook the patties again?
(92:28 / All) cum.2ez: 2ez
(92:35 / All) UGH.2ez: dying for food poisoning is pretty woah
(92:47 / All) He11scream: You guys seem to know more about the inner workings of fast food
(92:58 / All) bia-bia-bia: no i am a garbage man
(93:05 / All) He11scream: same thing
(93:07 / All) bia-bia-bia: janitor
(93:37 / All) bia-bia-bia: dont stop get it get it
(93:56 / All) He11scream: =(
(93:59 / All) He11scream: gg
(94:06 / All) UGH.2ez: 2ez to be a gg